Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4187 - The narrow road meets the brave

Chapter 4187, the narrow road meets the brave victory

President Chen is currently unable to meet the pain in Ye Jian’s heart. Even if he has touched it for a few months, his heart is still bleeding.

Wen Yan, Ye Jian’s cold expression has a little dark color, “Say, I listen. You don’t argue, I have my own judgment.”

It is recommended who made it to nature and who is clear about Ye Jian.

Xia Jinyuan looked at the big scorpion with his face cold and ice, and his heart sighed slowly to his leaves.

He is her boyfriend. As a boyfriend, why would he want his girlfriend to go to a place where there is no warmth to suffer?

As long as the identity of the two people is gone, then, who dares to ask the little fox to go to the Vulture Hell Training Camp, the first person who stands up to talk to him does not want to speak for a lifetime.

There, even if it is only two months, it will be like a year, and every minute and one second will come over.

However, it is undeniable that as long as the soul is smashed out, the whole person can calm down when faced with the task of challenging the mind.

Just like him, almost a year and a half of lurking, such as cobra to death do not know who is shooting him.

“A place where even the sun is not warm, as long as you step into the training camp, all your rights are deprived. You are no longer you, you are just a code name, until you leave the training camp, you are yours, your code name is Changed to another person.”

“Where, you can reach out to the top weapons. In addition to the internationally banned weapons, you can get in touch with the sky, the sea, the land, and the land.”

“Half of the snipers currently visible in the rankings are coming out of the Warrior Hell Training Camp, and those snipers who don’t show up at all, but who can make people deadly, they act like ghosts for their country. Perform the most advanced tasks.”

“Sniper training is not the same as our training, but it doesn’t matter. I don’t know. Only when I go, I know the difference between the sniper base.”

“And I just said to the demon king that killing Chen Shu must belong to a world-class sniper. I want to find out the murderer as soon as possible. It may be rewarded to contact the top snipers. More importantly…”

Ignore the increasingly dark face of my eldest brother, Li Jinnian, Xia Jinyuan, who is staring at his girl, “More importantly, your sniper level will be greatly improved. The narrow road meets the brave, Ye Jian, when one day you and the murderer Meet the narrow road, I just want you to win!”

Why send her to such a cruel place.

Because, don’t want to lose her!

I would rather be cruel now, and I don’t want him to regret it!

Ye Jian, who has never heard of the “Venezuela Hell Training Camp”, even if Xia Jinyuan said it, she has not returned to God for a long time.

There is still such a gray area, and a group of high-risk people can still gather together for training.

Then he meets on the battlefield, who is the deer?

In this way, Xia Jinyuan opened a new door for Ye Jian to peep into the dark corner of the world, letting her know that there is such a zone that is obviously illegal and has been acquiesced by the countries.

I realized that the world outside was very wide and wide, and there were too many things she didn’t know.

“I was going to wait for you to mention the Warrior Hell Training Camp after you graduated. Now, ahead of time. What do you think, you can raise it now, I, the Devil are there, you can express your personal opinion.”

The finished Xia Jinyuan finally added.

Li Yannian said: “You can ask ideas and questions, but I don’t recommend that you make a decision immediately. From the summer vacation, there is still some time.”

Qingyun took the female master Ye Jian and the male owner Xia Jinyuan two special forces to participate in the “Buckling Reading Community Star Event”. Later, they will post in the new book circle. The little goblins must post “likes” and “messages”. Oh, because there will be welfare Nana.

This activity mainly promotes communication and interaction between Qingyun and the goblins.

Qingyun usually reads the message, but rarely replies to the message. Now, the event will participate, and the frequency of the message will rise.

Key points: You need to leave a message in Qingyun’s post, and it is related to this article.

For example, find out when Xia Jinyuan and Ye Jian first met each other. Now I have seen a few more faces, or which sentence in the text touches you most, why does it touch…, the message like this is very high. The reward is the book currency.

At the same time, Qingyun will also choose the message of three big energy goblins to reward a 2018 military calendar.

(End of this chapter)

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