Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4192 - Devil is a light bulb

Chapter 4192 The Devil is a light bulb

The end of the phone was silent, and there was no answer for a long time.

Xia Jinyuan, who has always had patience, waited quietly. This decision is not an instant decision. Tonight, he just told his father that he and Ye Jian’s next plan did not want to immediately agree.

Sure enough, the general commander of the summer, who was silent for a while, said: “The leaflet himself agrees that our military department also needs careful consideration to make a decision. It is not easy to train a female special soldier. In particular, the small leaf has a very high talent, and the military is waiting for her to come out again. It is a heavy responsibility. I can’t answer you now.”

“I know, I just want to tell you that you can discuss with the heads of Major General Yang, whether she can go or not, we can decide, mainly to see the military arrangement.”

“It’s not early, you have to rest early, good night.”

“good night.”

The commander-in-chief of the end of the call finished drinking the boiled water in the cup. The cell phone and the cup were placed on the coffee table. One person sat quietly, and he looked a little dignified. He didn’t know what to think.

At five o’clock the next morning, Xia Jinyuan, Ye Jian, and Li Lannian opened their rooms almost at the same time. They even wore the same uniforms. They all looked at each other’s shorts. The three men took a look at each other and Ye Jian took the lead. The sentence “Good morning”, Li Lannian, Xia Jinyuan said “Good morning.”

The three people who used to get up early went into the elevator, and another completed a ten-kilometer morning run, and then went back to the hotel with a sweat.

Sitting at the hotel restaurant for breakfast is just seven o’clock.

There weren’t a few guests in the restaurant. The three of them took the breakfast they wanted to eat, and chose a table that was left in the corner and not noticed.

The three did not communicate in the middle, keeping the discipline in the army until the meal was finished, and then opened the topic.

The conversations of three people in public places avoided the troops, only talked about the things in life, and chatted and found that there was no good life topic for the three people.

Time is all in the army, what is the topic in life? No!

Ye Jian simply talked about some of the interesting things she encountered during her training and the difficulties she encountered in her studies. She was not a good chatter, she chatted and the three were silent.

Look at me, I look at you, and finally Li Yanyan, who is not happy, can’t help but lick his forehead and said: “It’s not convenient to go back to the room.”

He and Xia Jinyuan’s chats are used to the troops. Sitting in the restaurant is not suitable for talking about the troops. As for life, there is really nothing to talk about.

“Go back to the room. I was beaten up by the two of you last night. I have forgotten something.”

Ye Jianyi listened and quickly admit his mistake.

“No right or wrong, only choice. You return to school at two o’clock, wait for the hospital, go to the hospital after chatting.” Li Yannian got up and walked in front of the two.

My sister is older. I have to have a breakfast with Xia Jinyuan from time to time. He is a light bulb. It’s better to go back to the room and say something right.

Li Lannian knew that he had become the light bulb of the two people. However, he did not think about leaving.

Xia Jinyuan did not see Ye Jian for a long time. He also did not see Ye Jian for a long time. He left the space where the two were left alone. Sorry, I can’t do it!

Xia Jinyuan, who was a few steps behind, quickly reached out and grasped Ye Jian’s hand. He whispered in a whisper: “I’ll wait for him to find a girlfriend, and I’m going to follow him.”

(End of this chapter)

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