Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4194 - Entrusted to life

Chapter 4194 entrusted to life

Well, Li Xiaonian, who had a mother-in-law, did have a carefree time when he was a child.

Later, when the mother died, the younger lady’s minions were exposed. The child without the mother’s protection became the root grass. Mrs. Xiaoli’s wife pulled out the young leaves of the grass today, and the next day, the mother died. There was no smile on the face of Li Yannian for half a year.

Fortunately, he is clever, and the children who are half-large can see the fierceness of Mrs. Xiaoli’s wife and the good face. Plus, from time to time, they will suffer in front of Du Jiayi’s brothers and sisters. Li’s temper is getting colder and colder. The more you talk.

Until the father of the father and the other mother, Li Lannian will basically show up in addition to eating at home, and the rest of the time is in his room.

Later, when I was boarding in junior high school, Li Zinian, who had been born by the temper, has always been used to indifference, and will only be indifferent, even to cold-blooded.

If Mrs. Fu, who was still alive in the same year, went to visit from time to time, Mr. Fu often wrote letters. Later, Fu Yusheng and the old lady personally took him back to Fu’s family. Li Lannian, who used to be alone, was afraid that even Fu’s home would not be Will advance.

Li Xiaonian, who lost his “home” since childhood, got all the love of Fu’s parents. He only gave Fu Jia the warmth under the indifference.

Now, there is more sister Ye Jian, who is not good at expressing him. He uses his own way to protect Ye Jian. He believes that his sister Ye Jian is still young and should be raised well and cannot be taken advantage of Xia Jinyuan.

He always thinks like this, but he can’t stand Ye Jian like it.

Seeing that she did not resist the relatives of Xia Jinjin, Li Yannian did not stop it any more. He couldn’t be forced to separate the two like a mother-in-law.

Appropriate relatives can, nothing else will be!

Back in the room, Li Lannian was very serious about the two people: “Hey and Grandpa don’t want you to marry too much in the morning. You two must be together. You must have a sense of proportion.”

This sentence is to remind two people.

Also to Xia Jinyuan said: “You are six years older than my sister, and I know more than her. I hope that you can think more about her. Don’t affect my sister because of my own greed.”

“The discipline in the military academy is coming over, I will not say more. You two have been going well, I don’t object, but if my sister is hurt because of your greed, Xia Jinyuan, I am even a wicked person, I It will also stop both of you from being together.”

“A man who doesn’t understand the overall situation because of greed and not thinking about it in the future is not worth entrusting to his life.”

Ye Jian first heard blushing and deafness. Slowly, she was shy and shy and listened very seriously. She knew that the reason why Big Brother said this was for her sake.

Xia Jinyuan listened more seriously. If you have a big voice, you must listen. In front of you, you have to sneak a slap in the face of a big scorpion. When he doesn’t listen, he will be driven out of the room by a big scorpion.

The statement said: “I have waited for her for so many years, and will not ruin the life of the two for a moment. This, please, and the old gentleman, Fu Shu.”

“Grandpa has always been relieved of you, and he doesn’t say anything in his mouth, but since he has not stopped you from interacting with my sister, he and his grandfather think that you deserve my sister to pay for my life.”

“I am… you have too many small moves in front of me. I am holding a wait-and-see attitude for the time being.” Li Yannian swept away Xia Jinyuan, whom he thought was not honest. After a faint talk, he turned the topic away and did not explain to Comrade Xia Jinyuan. Opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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