Chapter 4196 is like a storm

This news made Xia Jinyuan’s twilight suddenly darken. “Well, I immediately let the above investigate. But the net is a little big, and I don’t rule out that Li Laozi knows through other channels.”

“The main point now is not that Li Laozi knows the cause of Li Chuhai’s death, but that he will find Ye Jian. Once he finds clues, he will investigate in depth and will not give up easily.”

“If he finds the identity of Ye Jian, by his means, Ye Jian will be in danger.”

Xia Jinyuan’s eyes were gloomy, and Li’s father was like a very fine wolf, and he was jealous and jealous. So in those years, he was able to safely retreat in the wind and waves, without hurting himself.

If he was found by Ye Jian, the situation would indeed become very serious.

The most worrying thing is that if he can’t find out who killed Li Chuhai, he will retaliate against the little fox in anger. This is not impossible!

Ye Jian’s mouth is a little tight, and she said to Xia Jinyuan: “The summer team, can you immediately respond to the commander-in-chief? The military knows that you can guard against Lao’s father early.”

“Good!” Xia Jinyuan immediately acted.

The commander-in-chief is his father, and it is much more convenient to connect.

Now, during non-rest time, Xia Jinyuan directly calls the office of the duty room and transfers to the office of the Commander-in-Chief of Xia through the landline.

Xia Jinyuan and Li Lannian worried that the death of Li Chuhai would let Li Laozi find Ye Jian. It was not long before Li Chuhai died. Mr. Fu was worried that Li Jia would learn of Li Chuhai’s death and would find out. The only seedlings left by the daughter-in-law, that is, the daughter of their family, Miao Miao, looked for the summer father, and asked the Xia family to come and protect their granddaughter.

Xia Laozi will not feel relieved, Xiaoye is the grandson of their summer family, Li Wei dare to deal with the summer wife of the summer family, the first one can not spare him is the summer!

Therefore, the worry of Li Yinian and Xia Jinyuan was more than a year ago, and the commander-in-chief of Xia was behind the traces, so that Li’s father could not find the martyrs red plum and a single daughter.

The chief commander of the summer reviewing the document said: “I have been prepared more than a year ago, and the Li family has been investigating all the time. It has not stopped.”

“It seems that Li’s father did not drive the crane to the west one day, and he would not stop there in a day.” Xia Jinyuan sneered and asked: “He has someone in his hand. Once he finds out who killed Li Chuhai, Dad, you have to Protect the hero who is harmed by the people.”


Commander-in-chief Xia put down the pen and said that Xia Jinyuan was shocked to look at Ye Jian, Ye Jianfu to the soul, and suddenly he guessed that he had to look at himself with a look of shock, bending his mouth and revealing a gentle smile.

This is her and the pigeons’ mission, and the summer team that did not participate has no right to know.

“The hero who kills the people is not someone else. At this moment, I am by your side. You know, after Li Lannian found something, you can also guard against it.”

This is the original words of Commander-in-Chief.

At the end of the call, Xia Jinyuan raised his hand in Ye Jian’s smile and licked her head. “You, you, my life is not the usual fat, I really ran to personally revenge?”

It was shocked to change to Li Yinian.

Ye Jian opened the big hand that was still on the top of his head and smiled and complained, “How do you and my older brother like to lick my head, don’t smash it, and then I will become bald afterwards.”

(End of this chapter)

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