Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4198 - Brother and sister

Chapter 4198 Brothers and sisters

Xia Jinyuan is especially proud and proud. The girl he is waiting for has finally grown up. He can be more assured that she will face more ups and downs.

Including going to the Venezuela Hell Training Camp, he is also relieved.

Li Yannian, who clenched his fist, only felt a fierce beast roaring in the chest, hitting his heart and hurting as if it had broken into a mass, pain, too painful, and even his face became very pale.

His sister suffered so much pain. Everything was caused by his own name, Li Chuhai. He had harmed his family, and his sister had suffered so much. He couldn’t even live back to Fu’s reunion.

At this moment, Li Yannian hated and shared the name of Li Chuhai, and even the surname of the blood.

When he was young, he struggled. He wanted to leave the Li family. It seemed to be magnificent. The inner iron had already decayed and the personality was distorted. He struggled and suffered. Until later, he told him that this life is far more than you have experienced. It’s going to be wonderful, as long as the iron gate is not welded, you have a lot of opportunities to leave.

Later, he finally left, and he made a little contact with Li’s family. Even he did not think that he was a Li family, but he only had a surname.

He did not regard himself as a Li family, and he never admitted that he was a member of the Li family. He just happened to be surnamed “Li”.

Today, he even thinks that the Li family has nothing to do with his Li Lannian!

Therefore, after Li Yinian and other Ye Jian said, his cold voice wrapped in a chilly wind. “The Li family does not get rid of it, the threat is always there. The best way is to grab the Li family before finding out the truth. I can dump the Li family.”

In the past, Ye Jian, who needs to adjust and adjust his emotions, suddenly heard the words from a big brother. The dawn is a contraction, and he gaze tightly. He blurted out: “Brother, don’t step in!”

Big Brother is a Li family, she does not want to protect her big brother.

“I promised my grandfather, I want to protect you.” Li Xiaonian took a deep breath, and the indifferent sight contained the only sister who was afraid of dragging himself. Shen Dao said: “If you are scrupled because of my surname, Li, I can rest assured that I only have the name of “Li” and I have nothing to do with the Li family.”

“But…” Ye Jian still wants to say something. His hand is not light and not pinched down by Xia Jinyuan. He listened to him whispering: “Big brother has his own plans, you just look at it.”

Li Lannian said this in the summer and today, I am not surprised at all. The big nephew and Li Jiake have no family relationship. In particular, it is very likely that Li’s father is likely to endanger the little fox, and how can the little fox be regarded as the big scorpion guarded by the palm of his hand? Will be biased towards the Li family.

It is naturally standing on the side of the little fox and thinking about how to collapse the Li family.

“It is not easy to collapse the Li family. Otherwise, the old man was pulled down in the early years. In recent years, the father of Li knew that he had a lot of enemies in the past. He has been living in a simple way and no longer shows up easily. As for the work he has done before. It’s hard to wipe out the traces and find the fatal handle of Li’s father.”

Because Xiajia’s relationship with Du’s family is not very good, Li Jiaxia and Jinyuan, who have a relationship with Du’s family, will occasionally pay attention to it. They also learned about Li’s family in front of Xia’s father, knowing that Li’s father’s father has resorted to his heart.狠, wrists, and tricks are very comparable.

The big scorpion said that if he wants to collapse the Li family, Thaksin is hard.

(End of this chapter)

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