Chapter 4201 erotic

Surname Li, isn’t that a brother?

How do you look like two people like a brother?

No, not right.

Xiaojianer presupposes that she is the only daughter in the family, her parents are both dead, and there is a bad-hearted girl who once found the school. She never mentioned that she has a brother.

Recognized brother?

Xu Wen took the lead and introduced herself “Hello, Li Da Ge, I am Xu Wen, Xiao Jian’s roommate plus comrade, a class.”

He Jing also extended her hand to introduce herself. She is much more restrained than Xu Wen. The smile on her face is a bit stiff. “Lie Big Brother, hello, I am He Jing, and I am a class with Xiao Jianer. A bedroom.”

“How are you.”

Li Lannian reached out and the gentleman gently grasped the hand that the two men had extended. His temperament was cold and he looked bad, but he would never be embarrassed.

The gentleman’s grace under the cold makes the heartstrings of the two people relax a little.

Both of them thought about the idea in their hearts. Li Xiaonian and Xia Jinyuan saw each other at a glance. Ye Jian smiled and said: “It’s my brother, the situation is a bit complicated, I will tell you later.”

“Is all the procedures already done? If not, we will go through the process now, eat a Chinese meal outside, and go back together.”

Xu Wen felt that she was eating with Ye Jian’s boyfriend and Ye Jian’s brother. She worried that she would indigest, but she would not be sure.

He Hejing said: “All the procedures have been done, only take medicine. It is estimated to be almost fast, I will ask.”

Some of hers didn’t dare to stay in the ward. Ye Jian’s boyfriend was already strong, and the result came a strong brother. He Jing felt that the pressure was so great that her breath was not quite smooth.

Xu Wen is also, immediately said: “I will accompany you to see.” Finished, pulled on Ye Jian, and smiled at the two people who made her heart worry, and pulled up He Jing, three left together Ward.

Out of the ward, Xu Wen patted her chest, and her heart lingered: “Oh my mother, I am nervous, nervous, standing in front of your boyfriend and your brother, how do I feel like I am receiving a big review? I don’t dare to breathe.”

“I am the same, nervous to almost fainted.” He Jing did not take a chest, can be seen from the face of a relaxed, just her nervousness is no less than Xu Wen.

“My brother is a powerful brother, Xiaoxiaoer. In the future, your boyfriend will dare to bully you. No one has to look for it. Look for a brother, and use it.”

He Jing is really right, Xia Jinyuan must dare to bully Ye Jian, the first one can not spare him is his relative brother Li Lannian.

In the ward, Xia Jinyuan lost his smile: “When you see you, you scared the two girls away, so I smiled, don’t be so cold, be careful not to find a girlfriend.”

“I and Ye Jian are waiting for the big brother to come back to the big brother?”

“Know that it is a little girl, do you still have a manual foot on my sister?” Li Yannian hit the nail on the head, and tied to Xia Jinyuan could not help but cough down.

“That’s not the same, they are not even mature in thinking, seeing you like a mouse with a cat, can’t stand things.” The meaning is that Ye Jian is mature inside, he is very good at starting.

Li Yannian glanced at him coldly and spit out the cold words, “shameless, lascivious!”

He wanted to marry last night, because Ye Jian had been holding back.

At this point, Ye Jian went away. Li Lannian finished the two words, and some of his stagnation mood finally went smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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