Chapter 4206 Intense Fighting

One fights for the happiness of a younger sister, and one fights for his own happiness. The two men are like the fierce wolf who defends the territory. Every punch is full of enthusiasm, and each foot is full of enthusiasm. Some of the trainees who had trained in the original training hall avoided it.

Is this a new instructor? Is it so embarrassing to play?

Both murderous and suffocating coexist, although the physical body can not be seen directly, but the students around the four have been felt, and the instructors immediately separated the students, lest the students will be accidentally injured.

This is not a general fight. Once a mistake is caused, it is not a general injury. I am afraid that even the bones will be interrupted.

The instructor with a dignified face separated the students, and the instructor called the duty room just in case, causing the duty room to attach great importance to it, and immediately contacted the General Affairs Office, in less than five minutes, his face was dignified. The instructor knows who the two are in the fight.

I don’t know the specific identity and position. I just need to know that one of the Xia’s lieutenant colonels has been a man of the military academy. The other is said to be a special soldier sent by the Navy. I know that the two are old acquaintances. When the crisis was lifted, the instructors quickly ordered the students to sit down.

“Wearing the Army’s physical fitness service is the character of nine military schools in our military school. It is equivalent to the current Fengyun characters, and the comprehensive physical fitness is particularly powerful. It is also one of the five “excellent students” in that session, and the overall ranking is first. ”

“When wearing a naval physical service for a certain naval force, the sea special forces who came to our school for business trips are equally powerful. This is a showdown between the master and the master. Look at all the big eyes! Don’t blink at me! Hear no !”


The instructor’s commentary allowed the students who sat down on the knees to stand upright and tidy, and watched very seriously how the real fighting masters played against each other.

“See you? They are all deadly tricks. When you lift your feet, the next set must be stable. Once the next set falls, the enemy can immediately smash and directly lock the throat!”

“The offensive and defending forces are quite powerful, and the deadly tricks on both sides can be avoided very well, or the dangers are minimized. You just have to learn how to minimize the danger!”

“The golden hook is upside down. Once the enemy’s head is severely shackled, the cervical vertebra is likely to be directly misplaced and thus die. You see, the navy representative quickly retreated, blocked with one arm, and solved the crisis.”

The instructors have not seen such a wonderful fight, and gradually become more excited, excited to clench their fists, and hate to go to participate.

The instructors saw excitement, and the students were equally like this.

They are freshmen. Although they have been in contact with fighting since entering school, they have also seen fighting between instructors in military academies. But wherever they see the excitement, they can be seen at a glance.

The two people in the fight only have the other side. The other party is the enemy that they must defeat. All the attention is concentrated, and only the battle is won.

Xia Jinyuan smashed his right arm, which was kicked by Li Xiaonian to the bones. His eyes were cold and he clenched his fists again. His legs were slightly moved and he took the initiative to attack again.

The fists are sturdy, and the distance between the fists can be felt. The direction of his fists seems to be attacking the head of Li Yannian, and it is so fast that the students sitting and watching are suddenly naval. The representative pinched the sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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