Chapter 4213 complaint

The army representative locked Ye Jian’s neck from the rear with elbows. As Ye Jian was trapped, the whole atmosphere pushed to a high point. The students had already seen the atmosphere not breathing.

Is Ye Jane going to lose?

Can you get out of the dilemma?

Can you continue to fight?

If they lose, they also think that Ye Jian actually won, lost to the army representatives, and won all the students onlookers.

Because no one can win Ye Jian!

Li Xiaonian’s dawn was slightly tightened. Xia Jinjin was stricter than his imagination to his sister. Now Xia Jinyuan does not think that he is a sister’s boyfriend, nor does he think that his boyfriend needs to have a girlfriend.

He is quite clearly distinguished. The boundaries are very clear. The eyes of Li Yannian, who are tightening their eyes, are locked up in a complicated way. Such Xia Jinyuan is undoubtedly a qualified soldier. Even if he falls in love, he does not let him lose his mind.

Li Xiaoguang, who had a complicated vision, suddenly did not know the mood to face Xia Jinjin. As a soldier, he admired the reason of Xia Jinjin, but as a sister’s family, he was distressed for his sister.

Suddenly, Li Lannian didn’t want to look any further. He thought that he needed to think about it. Now is not the relationship between Xia Jinyuan and his sister, but his personal relationship.

He needs to look back at the relationship between the two of them, not to stop, but to think that the way they get along, he needs to re-admit and re-recognize.

Li Lannian got up and the students sitting next to him were aware of it. He turned and turned and asked softly, “Don’t you watch?”

“Well, something is going on.” Li Yannian returned to him and stopped looking at the two people fighting in the field.

Ye Jian can not get out of Xia Jinyuan’s elbow lock neck. What the trainees think is difficult, Li Lannian thinks that it is not difficult. His sister is a special soldier. He must master the skills of getting out of this kind of rear attack.

Even if a fighting dagger is placed on the neck, the sister who is a special soldier must rescue himself from the blade.

His sister will be able to unravel the predicament.

Li Lannian has not left the training hall yet, and Ye Jian has been out of trouble.

She kicked her knees to Xia Jinyuan’s knees with her hind legs. Later, she used her brain to smash into the chin of Xia Jinjin. Ye Jian succeeded in getting out of trouble.

The instructor who taught Ye Jian’s close combat was the first to applaud. Another instructor whispered: “It seems that Ye Jian usually gave himself a hand and did not fully show the true level.”

“In training, she wants to show her true level. How many of her classmates are her opponents? How many of us? Are you saying that it is her opponent? Do you have the confidence to stumble her? I am not. “Yan Jian’s instructor applauded and replied low.

In exchange for another instructor’s soft sigh.

Isn’t it?

With Ye Jian’s current level of close combat, as an instructor, they really can’t win her.

So, no wonder she needs Tibetan mastiffs.

The thunderous applause rang, and Li Lannian, who was walking toward the door, turned his head and glanced at the two men who had ended. The line of sight was so inadvertently opposed to Ye Jian’s line of sight, so Li’s pace was even bigger. Now!

Next, I will hand it over to Xia Jinyuan himself. He has something to do and is busy!

Ye Jian sees this, and his heart is funny and good-hearted. Why didn’t he think that he was not good at facing himself when he was playing? After I finished playing, I felt guilty. I don’t feel late.

“Just now, the big brother just abandoned me and ignored it. Now, I will continue to abandon me.” Xia Jinyuan complained, and at this time, he will not complain, but wait for it.

Have a rest early, don’t wait in the morning…

(End of this chapter)

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