Chapter 4217, the rest of life happiness

Everything happened more than ten years ago, Xia Jinyuan did not think of such a thing, and Li Xiaonian has not accepted him and Ye Jian together.

I can give the summer school to me and I want to talk to the big sister again.

His explanation made Li Yannian’s stone in his heart move away. It turned out that he was misunderstood.

“Sorry, I have been misunderstood you.” Li Lannian apologized for his misunderstanding. Although his tone was faint, he really apologized.

Now that she knows that she misunderstood, Li Lannian’s look was a lot softer. He looked at the hands of the two people holding them tightly, and smiled in the cold eyes.

It turns out that everything is a misunderstanding, but fortunately, I have to ask for it tonight, otherwise, I have to continue.

He looked at the big men who had been guarded by his sister, and thought about the relationship between the two. Because there was no misunderstanding, it was different to think about the relationship between the two.

It can also be seen that the relationship between the two of them is not unilateral protection, but the protection of both sides. Xia Jinyuan protects his sister. Similarly, his sister also protects Xia Jinyuan.

The love between my sister and Xia Jinyuan is a close-knit love. It is not who unilaterally depends on who protects them. The two of them are evenly matched, and no one will drag on.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaonian’s eyes were deep and deep in his eyes.

This time, he was watching Xia Jinyuan laughing, and Xia Jinyuan, who had just been given a cold sweat by his words, was stunned by the big man’s “Xiangxiang” smile.

“Xia Jinyuan, I have handed my sister to you. Later, you are the one who has accompanied her for a lifetime. If she is angry, if she is wronged, I hope that you will always be the first person to know and always hope. The person who marries her is you.”

Li Lannian looked at Xia Jinshen, and the cold and cold tone was soft because of Ye Jian. “I hope she was wronged and suffered. I will always think of you, not me, nor is it a grandfather.” ”

“She chose you, my heart is toward you, she is not happy, she is angry, you stare at her, let her happy to make her laugh, that is, you have to do.”

“If you can’t even make my sister happy, I don’t know what it means to choose you. I know that you can help, and you know that without you, maybe not my sister’s today, but…”

In the streetlight, Li Xiaonian looked at Xia Jinjin’s eyes sharply. “But these are definitely not important to my family. What our family wants is just to hope that my sister is happy. I hope she will be happy whenever she chooses you.” “

“Xia Jinyuan, my sister has suffered, suffered sin, passed blood and tears. This is the pain of our family. Now she is back home, the family will give her wind and rain, let those who have suffered Sin, blood, and tears never appear again.”

“What we want, I only hope that my sister will be happy forever. I hope that you can give her happiness for a lifetime!”

“My sister… I have given it to you, I beg you, please call you as your brother, take good care of my sister, please take good care of my sister in life, thank you!”

At this moment, like a mountain like a sea, a proud Li Linian for Ye Jian, he put everything down, as a brother to ask Xia Jinyuan to take care of Ye Jian.

Ye Jian has heard tears in his eyes.

“Let Ye Jian be happy, this is the biggest wish of my life.”

Xia Jinyuan is so firm and powerful to answer Li Lannian.

There are only two things in his life: first, he can stand up to his military uniform; second, let his lover be happy forever!

The middle of the big scorpion, the summer school passed.

Today, I came to my aunt. I expected to eat spicy food for a few days. I felt that I had to lie on my bed today. I thought that I had not updated it. I ate two tablets of painkillers and climbed the bed for four thousand words… I don’t want to update in the morning, Qingyun also It is necessary to continue to slow down.

(End of this chapter)

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