Chapter 4222 Envy

Xia Jinyuan said some of the current situation in the snow squad, Ye Jian feels the same, mentioning that comrades sometimes refuse the girl’s pursuit because of their own occupation, Ye Jian is very sad.

She and the summer team are more fortunate than the comrades.

“Big brother’s lifelong events have to be solved soon, and I am one year older than me. Soon, I will marry and have children.”

As he spoke, Xia Jinyuan revolved around the big scorpion, and the big scorpion solved the problem for a lifetime, and he would not be so concerned about him and the little fox.

There is such a big sister who protects her sister. As a brother-in-law, she is under great pressure.

Ye Jian nodded in agreement and whispered: “Grandpa said the same thing. Big brother is almost thirty years old. I have been alone with me for so many years. My grandfather and my dad mentioned it, my dad said that they are on the navy. The female soldier is a rare treasure. It is a male soldier on the sea. It is difficult for a big brother to find a girlfriend at sea.”

“You are so mentioning now, I have to remind me that my brother will become a good person. I will find a big one for me. The only person I can think of now is the anniversary year.”

There is a little heavy in the light voice, her big brother and her are actually the same, no one loves to play small, all rely on themselves.

Big Brother, by his own life, must be the pillar of the country, just like this life.

And myself, fortunately, this life has not lived, and finally lived a personal sample.

She has already found the summer team. I hope that my eldest brother will find a girl who can make him no longer feel lonely. He can make him feel worried every time he comes back. It is the concern of the big brother to take care of him.

Xia Jinyuan thinks that Dazizi can’t find a girlfriend. Even if he doesn’t have a family, he can find a girlfriend only by himself. If you don’t believe it, you can definitely find a lot of hearts when you go to the street. The main thing is to see if you want to be big.

When the two of them talked carefully, they went to the library. If the ordinary couples are in love, they will have a lot to talk about. There is a topic at this moment. It is a topic at that time. There is not much time to talk about it. Tomorrow. In the afternoon, Xia Jinjin had to return to the military, and then immediately returned to the team. After more than a year, as a captain of the snowy squad, he did not even have a month of rest. After a few days of poor rest, he would continue to be busy.

Both of them know that tomorrow is the day of separation. No one mentions it. It is so gentle and whispered, and the separation of the two does not cover the two people’s eyebrows, nor does it affect the mood of the two at this moment.

Because of the habit, I accept it lightly.

And Li Xiaonian, who walked away silently, went to the big playground. The playground was quiet, and there was less day-to-day training. The Lai year, who walked slowly, walked along the playground. At this moment, he was thinking about something.

Maybe I didn’t think about anything, maybe I kept thinking about all kinds of problems.

He has always been so lonely, used to being alone, and used to indifference, even if he is walking alone, no one is around, he will not feel anything.

But tonight, Li Lan’s first time felt a bit lonely.

I personally handed my sister to another man’s hand, watching another man caring and caring, watching a pair of monks stand in front of them, even if there is tears, you can’t break the affection, at that moment, he I feel a little envious when I am gratified.

(End of this chapter)

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