Chapter 4225 Combat

This is the first time that the storm commando team needs to go abroad to perform the task, and it is a country with 14 years of civil war and everywhere in crisis. As the captain of the team, Li Lannian is cold and cold to the 12 warlords: “I don’t want to Do some results?”

“miss you!”

The voices of the twelve participating members were loud and the morale was like Li Hong.

“I also want to.” Li Xiaonian’s indifferent sight has a dark swell, like the undercurrent in the depths of the calm sea. Although it is surging but not easily found by people, “I think, but I hope that you will always remember There is only one. People, we have to find out, life, we have to bring back, their, ours, the lives of all, come back!”

“Did you hear me!”

Even if the last sentence of the “Learning Nothing” is even like the ice, the emotions have always been chilly and flat, and the sound lines have not risen much.

There are thousands of unstoppable sharpness in the inside, cold and cold, like an arrow has been straight into everyone’s heart, so that all “water ghosts” are deeply remembered.

People, Li Lannian must bring back, and the life of his comrades, he must also bring it back. It’s not easy to get to the storm commando today. Every water ghost is a national effort. Experts and students can’t have anything to do. The translation can’t be done. Similarly, the comrades who spend the day with him can’t do anything.

He took them out and took them out, and they had to bring them back to China.

Li Xiaonian arrived in the combat command building less than two hours. At 2:17 in the morning, the whole team took 12 water ghosts to the plane to the Libbi Garowe coast.

This time is not a turnaround, but a direct plane.

He went abroad overnight, and Ye Jian, who was in the National Science and Technology University, was dreaming of his hometown. When he arrived in Libya on the coast of Libya, Ye Jianzheng and the Luzhi students were killed.

The first simulation battle over the recapture of the hill, AC point is the first aggressor (Shi Luzhi) military defense line, there are continuous trenches, numerous shelters, machine guns, and iron wire guards.

There is also a separate machine gun point and a fastening base between the first line of defense and the second line of defense. Obviously, the aggressor has strengthened the protection of the first and second lines of defense, and the leaflet as the recovery party wants to take the troops. Down the mountain, the first and second lines of defense must be attacked, and the other’s cover and machine guns are destroyed once.

“If it is normal combat, we can send artillery. Our vision is good, and it provides favorable conditions for our artillery.”

On the screen, Ye Jian’s figure appeared in the sight of Lu Zhi, the leaders of the National Science University, the leaders of the military, and the faculty members of the two schools. The young female students analyzed the entire battlefield with great calmness, and achieved the vertical and horizontal control. Fang also deployed a large number of machine guns, and blocked the offensive of our army. In the depth of such a large defensive position, we have to pay a terrible price without the support of artillery fire. Therefore, I sent three battalions and one The artillery team entered from here…”

The laser pointer points to the three-dimensional mountain love that appears on the screen, pointing to a mountain. “This is the weak place of the aggressor. I am from the rear wing, the front wing is matched, the two wings are killed, and the second line is killed first. Defense.”

The female student’s voice is very clear, even if she only appears on the screen and does not stand in front of her eyes, the leaders who sit and watch the whole simulation can feel a murderous temper from the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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