Chapter 4231 is another journey

Wen Yan, Ye Jian was dark and dark, and nodded, she said: “Well, I used to say to them, very soon!”

They reported that they were only a little bit worse. She has already pointed out the important ones. I only need to polish it again. I will repeat it. If it is not necessary, it will be almost the same.

She always had to say a few words with the students who had a night of light and night.

Ye Jian said that there are urgent things to leave, and several students nodded immediately, saying that they will finish well. Ye Jian also confessed a few words, and also made three key discussion parts, and then he and the emergency. go away.

“How are you so anxious? What happened? Is there something wrong with their class?”

“It is estimated that something is going wrong. At this time, I have to let Ye Jian rush over. I am afraid there is still something big.”

“I don’t want to talk about Ye Jian first. If something goes wrong, it won’t let us know. Come and come over and grab the information in the hand. I will discuss it again. Let’s discuss it again and see what is going on. supplement.”

“Cheng, hurry up and see if it can be completely finished at three in the morning. Fortunately, all the key points of Ye Jian have been analyzed. The whole progress is not a waste of time. Otherwise, she will have a lot of reports when she leaves. Inadequacies.”

The lights in the corner of the library were lit, and four students were put into their work at the desk.

Ye Jian almost ran to the office of the department leader. The leaders who had returned to the office saw a “report” at the door. He immediately said: “Come in.”

The leaf that came in from the door was easy to see. The leader held the telephone tube and looked solemn: “Ye Jian has come over, I will give the microphone to her now.”

It’s not the leader who is looking for Ye Jian, but the military to find Ye Jian.

At half past one in the morning, Ye Jian did not pack any luggage, and he wore training camouflage trousers and short sleeves to rush to a car to the military airport.

After three hours of high-speed, the airport was used for more than an hour. Ye Jian boarded a military aircraft to fly directly to Beijing at 6 am.

In Beijing, a plane flying to Libya would have taken off at 7:45 in the morning. It was postponed for a whole hour for special reasons and took off at 8:45 in the morning.

The aircraft failed to take off on time, and the airport has already prepared for it, which does not affect the take-off of subsequent flights.

At 8:40, Ye Jian boarded the plane to Libya. She had only one person, and she had a telephone on her body, and the five hundred dollars she had given her when the military took her boarding.

A mobile phone, five hundred dollars, and student ID card are all the luggage of Ye Jian, and the only passengers who are boarding empty.

She was sitting in the first class. The crew knew that the plane was delayed and waited for the camouflage girl to board the plane. After breakfast, the flight attendants carefully said “what is the time to tell us” and then leave.

Ye Jane needs sleep. She used a breakfast sheet and a blindfold. She had to stay in Libya for more than ten hours. She had to sleep well enough.

Because, after getting off the plane, she went directly into combat, and there was no buffer for even time.

The translation of Yang Heng was missing. Several doctors in the National Laboratory of Electromagnetics were missing. There was also an expert missing. They disappeared when they went to sea, and even the people with the boat disappeared.

The final display of the radar was a small island. The big brother led the water storm of the storm commando to find the island, and the missing ship happened, but the missing person was not found.

Cry, 4230, 4231 chapter, I am going to update again, the early morning update has only 2 chapters, now becomes 0 chapter, tomorrow… I have to make up 6 chapters to update, let me find a wall corner to cry cry.

Originally, as long as the four chapters were updated during the day, it is now necessary to update the six chapters.

The area of ​​the shadow in my heart is a bit large, and I want comfort.

But I know that you will certainly not comfort me. You will only be gloating, and I hope that my quickness will happen frequently.

(End of this chapter)

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