Chapter 4242 should fight

The two men’s answers did not make Ye Jian’s heart loose. Before the other party approached, she asked, “How is the attitude of the government forces towards our army?”

“Alright, you can live in peace.” Feng Banchang said without thinking, the soldiers who came to peacekeeping would not interfere with the government forces, and the two sides would get along with nature and peace.

Ye Jian did not feel peace in the four black gunmen who came over. On the contrary, she smelled blood from the wind blowing into the car.

Very light, the twilight wind is blowing, and the faint bloodyness dissipates.

The sound of the darker leaves of the Loudi was tight. “They are afraid of problems and are prepared.”

Feng Banchang is also preparing to get off the bus and the government troops coming in. He heard that the doors that have been opened are closed, and the instincts of the special forces are better than them.

Like now, his instincts tell him that he should believe in what the female soldiers said.

“I will meet with the machine and be ready to punch cards.” Ye Jian said while closing the left and right car glass, and putting the hand brake that has been pulled down again, ready to punch the card, “Also, don’t car.”

If you are not good, whether it is a government army or not, you must never get off the bus!

Feng Banchang said lowly: “Well, I will ask them first, you are ready to punch cards.”

At night, it was not safe, even if it was a government army, Feng Banchang also had the idea of ​​getting off the bus. Self-security is the top priority, and careful behavior is the best policy.

Four people came over with guns. Two people stood in front of the front of the car. One person took a picture of the front cover and stood in the co-pilot position. Later, he found that the passenger seat did not sit, and he retreated to the back door.

The other one screamed at the car, indicating that the leaf of the car was down and talking to him.

Sitting in the back of Ye Jian, Feng Banchang put down the car glass. Because of the vigilance, he did not put all the glass down. He only put down the half and reported his identity. “Hello, I am…”

Feng Banchang’s words have not been finished yet. At that moment, Ye Jian no longer had any consideration. She released the brakes and stepped on the gas pedal. The car rushed out with a bang.


Two loud noises, Ye Jian directly hit the two blacks who had been armed with guns at the vehicle. The car was violently writhing, and the left wheel ran over a black man’s body and instantly rushed a few meters away.

At the moment when Feng’s squad put down the glass, Ye Jian smelled more blood. At the same time, she saw a gesture from the rearview mirror that the black man standing at the back door of the car had a gesture.

That is the gesture of shooting.

There is no longer any hesitation, no matter who is standing in front of the front of the car, the eye-catching Ye Jian drives the vehicle directly.

It is not an ordinary person, it is her enemy.

In the face of the enemy, Ye Jian will never be soft-hearted.

One foot went down and the man was hit and the gunshots rang at the same time.

“Hurry up! It was not a government army. They wanted to kill us.” In the car, Ye Jian was calm: “Just, they want to rob the car and kill!”

If Ye Jian, who is not driving, sees these people’s gaze, even if the car stops, she just step on the brakes. At this time, they are only likely to be killed by the guy who is chasing the gun behind him.

There are only two people who dare to shoot at the peacekeepers, one is Libyan illegal militants, and the other is Libyan indigenous people who are very hostile to other countries.

If they run into them, even if they are from the Western countries, they will not kill them.

(End of this chapter)

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