Chapter 4249 Blood

Ye Jian did not completely expose herself. She only tried to get away from Feng Banchang and He Wei. She did not intend to kill two platoons. It was too time consuming and would expose oneself to be alone. Once these people are aware of the gun rack, they are blind to the woods, and even if she has the power of the sky, it is difficult to get out.

Twenty minutes later, Ye Jian, who solved the six people, began to withdraw outside. The time was enough. I believe that Feng Banchang and He Wei have already escaped safely.

In the woods, illegal militants have discovered that their companions have been killed, and strange noises have come from all over the place. The entire forest is full of “squeaky” leaves, and the voices are full of anger and anger.

“Damn! Come over! They killed our compatriots! They killed our compatriots!”

Someone was angry and screamed, and when he reached the neck, his eyes were thick and his eyes seemed to burst.

“Brewer! Brewer! The **** Chinese peacekeepers, they killed Brewer!”

“I want to kill them, I want to kill them!”

The whole forest was chaotic, and the scattered two rows of troops found that their compatriots had fallen, they flew in, the leaves slammed, and they could hear the broken branches.

“Must be nearby, they must be nearby, find them out! Find them out!”

“All are careful, all are careful!”

The messy footsteps sounded, no longer arrogant when rushing into the woods, but became nervous, two people would back to back, three people one in front, two in the back, six people silently died to cover them The shadows, let them tighten their nerves, no longer licking their own people as before, but daring.

The leaves on the hidden tree slowly descended and then stepped out of their encirclement. Now, it is time for her to get out.

There is no urgency, and Ye Jian chooses the safest evacuation, lightens his footsteps, and has no voice away from this group of illegal militants.

The **** smell in the forest is extremely heavy, and the assassination method used by Ye Jian is also the most commonly used assassination method for the special forces of the Snow Group.

Crossing from the side of the neck, the aorta was cut off first, and the blade was deeply cut into the throat. The vocal cords and the trachea were cut off one by one. Thus, six people were quietly solved.

The silent and silent assassination angered the illegal militants. After searching for a few minutes, they found another slain compatriot. Now, the anger in their hearts was completely ignited. They were no longer just ordinary searches, they used guns directly. Raise the gun in his hand and slap the firecrackers like a firecracker in the woods.

“Must be nearby, kill them! Kill them!”

“Don’t let them escape! Damn things, we Libya don’t need their help!”

Angry screaming, irrational, they began the most familiar killing.

The bullets broke through the trees, cut off the leaves, the sharp **** of the trees, and the leaves full of green and green scent fluttered onto the heads and leaves of Ye Jian.

Blindly forced to Ye Jian, there is no way to continue to retreat outside, only temporarily.

Above the top of the head, the bullet “嗖嗖” flew over, and countless pieces of debris fell, and a thin layer of the back of the leaf was laid.

At least five minutes of blind play, the sound of firecrackers in the woods stopped. Some people started talking. The Libyan language is English. Although the accent is very heavy, Ye Jian can understand.

(End of this chapter)

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