Chapter 4269 Blood

“Retreat, retreat!”

“Large cover!”

“Enter the entrance to the basement of the bomb shelter and cover it in front!”

“The front is cleared!”

“The tunnel is cleared!”

“Retreat! Retreat!”

In the headset, the voices of the comrades are clearly heard, the enemy’s firepower has been completely weakened, and the support has not yet reached the need to evacuate immediately.

Crossing the bodies of illegal militants who had been killed, the military boots were stained with thick blood, the knees were slightly curved, the waist was slightly bowed, the shoulders were against the rifle butt, and the fingers were placed on the trigger and evacuated from the shelter in a complete combat position.

Ye Jian and Anemones have always protected the rescued Miao Commissioner and his four men, followed by three comrades, including the retreating Daxie. In the green world, many bodies in the air-raid shelter can be seen lying in the ground. The commissioner was shackled because of some inconvenience caused by the action. Fortunately, the trainees who supported him went tightly to avoid wrestling.

“Teacher, walk against the wall.” The students who helped him whispered, the familiar voice, so that Ye Jian’s feet could not help but be promoted. In the blue camp of the freshman exercise, a brother of electronic countermeasures technical support She was saved now.

Then she kept talking all the time, did the brother and sister recognize her early?

Indeed, I recognized Ye Jian early, not because of human beings. When Ye Jian directly killed the illegal militants who were preparing to shoot at the Miao Commissioner, the brother who was already a doctor did not immediately recognize the female soldier who rescued himself. The sister who has played with himself.

Until she spoke, the familiar voice made him trace back all the way, so that he recognized who the female soldier rescued.

Ye Jianshimei.

During the freshman year, the establishment of a pseudo base station dragged the blue side. At that time, he was still a graduate student. He was the main electromagnetic, and was slammed by the freshman’s school girl. Even in the past two years, he still remembered it.

During the school period, I also heard the legend of the school girl from time to time. From the freshman to the junior year, almost all of them were “swinging” other students, and they became the heroes of the military school, attracting countless male students.

Even some of them in the electromagnetic laboratory know that they are burying their heads and doing experiments. “Four-eye frogs” all know that the sister-in-law Ye Jian, in private, still wondered if they should send anonymous love letters to the internal mailbox of Shimei School.

That is to say, what will happen.

I used to be one of the brothers who had been “sang” by her, and had been sitting with her for a few hours. Finally, because the “pseudo base station” proposal was discussed together several times, it was more familiar. It is.

As he later entered the electromagnetic laboratory, he did not meet with Ye Jianshi, and met again in the past two years, becoming her to save herself.

I always know that the teacher is not simple, this time he is completely aware of his sister… It’s not really simple!

After the successful completion of the tunnel of 10 meters long and several comrades who came to support Li Qingnian, they saw that their brother was coming, and Ye Jian’s heart was more or less relieved.

At least the front has been cleared and you can leave smoothly.

The footsteps were so rushing that I finally passed through the tunnel, and the front was the entrance and exit.

Miao Commissioner and three trainees took the lead, followed by Ye Jian and Anemones.

“Hurry up!”

“Attention alert!”

A light mortar has been set up, and with the command of Alva directly launched into the escape route he escaped, the shells dragged the fire tail into the air-raid shelter with great lethality…

(End of this chapter)

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