Chapter 4278 醍醐 醍醐

The members of the Storm Commando nodded and did not raise any objection to the plan of the Jade Bird. The whole process did not express doubts in the half sentence. This made Yang Heng, who had been watching silently, look at it again.

Because, he found… Ye Jian was very weighty in this group of special forces, and they could see the respect of Ye Jian from their eyes.

That is to say, Ye Jian and their cooperation are not one time, and their ability is outstanding to let them be admired by these special forces.

Suddenly, Yang Heng had a leaf simplification he knew and the leaf syllabus in front of him.

He thought that the leaf he knew was very powerful. Now he knows that he knows that Ye Jian is far from the leaf that is now known!

Need to re-recognize Ye Jiancai Cheng, his understanding of her even the tip of the iceberg is not counted!

Unable, Yang Heng thought of his cousin Song Zhiqiu, went back to the National Science University, and chatted with his cousin on the campus. He mentioned Ye Jian and said something that made him feel deeply at that time.

I asked my cousin how to get along with Ye Jian at that time. He answered the “model power, no pressure, only endeavor. Knowing that he has such a powerful peer is still working so hard, you will feel that it will be shameful to spend time. I feel that I have been guilty of wasting for a second.”

It is also mentioned that forty-five students in their class are not affected by Ye Jian under the influence of Ye Jian. They will play a proper time when they play, but learning and training will not be delayed.

The power of the example can make Ye Jian, who is proud of his cousin like a cousin, and his understanding of her…there is no such thing as the tip of the iceberg.

Although not, it is enough shock.

Unconsciously, Ye Jian has gone further and further, and the higher he is, the more he has met, the more he has seen than the peers.

He even dared to say that she did not have one of her classmates in junior high school and high school.

In less than three or four years, Ye Jian has far surpassed the classmates who used to be at the same starting point. How many years will she stand taller?

Just thinking about it, Yang Heng couldn’t help but look down.

Taking care of others and Ye Jian to compare, I missed myself!

He now said that the good news is a returnee returning from studying abroad. Actually, it is not because the family feels that they are young, they can practice in the army, suppress the impulse, and then come out to start a business.

Now he needs to plan his own plan. If he goes on like this, the gap between him and Ye Jian will be farther and farther, and even the gap with his cousin will be farther and farther.

It is no wonder that the family said that his cousin had changed from a military school to a military school. Now, he finally knows why.

Ye Jian, everything is affected by her.

In just a few minutes, Yang Heng was like a slap in the face, and suddenly he got out of the obstacles, and his eyes changed.

Yang Heng was shocked, and the doctoral brother who also knew Ye Jian was shocked. He was able to fight with a group of special male soldiers. Ye Jianshi, you must not know the students who are so powerful in the same class!

Your faculty must not know it!

Your captain must not know it!

The above leaders must not know it!

The doctoral brother pushed the glasses and inexplicably had a kind of stealing.

The brothers did not suddenly squat like Yang Heng. They are engaged in different fields and different development directions. They have a clear plan for their future. Unlike Yang Heng, there is some ambiguity about future planning, so they are not subject to anything. Influence, only feeling and having honor.

(End of this chapter)

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