Chapter 4289 Shot

The bomber seat is the entrance of the heavy machine gun chain. It destroys the entire heavy machine gun and becomes a display. There is no way to transport the bullet chain at high speed to complete the high shot.

The angled position adds a lot of difficulty to the shooting. The re-adjusted leaf is aiming again, the distance, the wind speed, the number of gears… Ye Jian has already begun to calculate quickly, until the heart is suddenly, the fingers do not hesitate to buckle the gun.


The third bullet rang and the shot was completed at an altitude above the altitude.

The “哐咣” sounded, and the heavy machine gun was damaged by a bullet. The shell spring was damaged by the spring cover and the shaft was damaged.

Ye Jian has already “brushed” from the tree, and this time she has not continued to hide the tree. Her comrades have already rushed up, and now it is her turn.

Ye Jian, who rushed out like a monkey, said: “After the end, I put the good goods into the camp. I saw that there are still a few bullet boxes. There are still a lot of bullets in it. The guns and bullets are kept. There is another offense, and there is a heavy weapon in the evening.”

Only 95 rifles are really simple!

There is no heavy weapon, so how can you not even have a grenade?

She does not believe that there are no more lethal guys in the peacekeeping camps of several other countries.

Responsible for the right-wing assault, she walked with a gun and said, let the water ghosts who had already sneaked in somehow relax, just relax, but dare not despise the guys.

What countries are behind the illegal militants in Libya and where are their arms coming from? In fact, how many countries know more or less, but what can they do?

There is no evidence, arms trade is free, even if it is illegal, what can it do?

Since there is support behind them, the water ghosts can’t care. They still can’t let people know why they came, and what they will do next. Everything is confidential, and it’s a level worse than top secret.

The bullets whizzed past, some hit the key points very accurately, others avoided the other parts of the hit, and some did not know where to fall. The first battle of the storm commando water ghosts continued to fight until the spirit is still Excited, the bullet hit the warhead and the color in the black skull was also scary.

The water ghosts who attacked from the back took advantage. In the first round, they attacked each other in an instant, and they wanted the first round of clearance, because the first round of clearance often caused the most serious casualties.

When the enemy reacts, it is the second round of clearance.

In the second round, the enemy’s casualties will be lowered, and the casualties will be raised. The risk of death will be greater than the first round of clearance.

The right wing was responsible for the assault. Suddenly, the chest was struck as if it was hit by a high-pressure heavy machine. The whole person was left uncontrolled and planted. At that moment, the chest was sorely painfully crushed by the car wheel. Lost in Qi, blood pressure is high, and even before the eyes are bursts of black.

He was hit by a bullet.

The black scorpion in front of him was dragged by the comrades who rushed up behind him, and dragged to the safe zone like a sandbag. In the “squeaky” tinnitus, he heard the voice of his comrades rushing, ” Mom! You scream!”

It was as if the chest that had been crushed by the car was touched by his comrades. He just wanted to say a word and heard the comrades say: “Fuck, no death! No injury!”

(End of this chapter)

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