Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4301 - Split two ways (seeking a monthly pass)

Chapter 4301 splits two ways (seeking a monthly pass)

This time, they carried out the act of beheading, beheading a leader of an illegal militant who had a secret connection with a certain Western country.

Mission execution code: sandstorm action.

I don’t know if the negotiations of the representatives of the UN members have worked, and the fighting in the city of Nissan has been weakened. Of course, it is not ruled out that the government forces have been destroyed, and only the soldiers who are recalcitrant have not been resolved.

The black shadow travels through the city like a ghost. The speed is as fast as the heel does not touch the ground. All the way seems to drift and pass, disappearing in the blink of an eye without a trace.

A transport plane made three landing attempts under the guidance of the flashing rod, and finally completed the landing for the fourth time. Miao Commissioner, Tao Commissioner, three doctoral students, and translator Yang Heng boarded home at 6.27 in the evening, but returned to China. A transit civil aviation transporter is required in the middle.

When Yang Heng, who was boarding the plane, walked a few steps away from the cabin, he looked back at his rear. At this time, the sky was already bleak, and the figure standing in the night was only outlined, blurring the face, Rao This is the case, Yang Heng still sees the figure of Ye Jian from the male soldiers.

One meter six or eight children put it in the group of girls, but put it in the male soldiers but it was extraordinarily petite, petite body, petite people, but holding the same rifle in the hands of the male soldiers, standing There, the figure is as straight as the arrow that goes straight into the sky. The momentum is not inferior to the male soldier, but it is even more ruthless than the male soldiers.

It was a completely strange leaf, like another strange leaf, a leaf that was never known to the student, or even known to her friends.

Engaged in high-risk occupations, as a student, they fought side by side with a group of special male soldiers. Such Ye Jian is getting farther and farther away from the familiar Ye Jian in his memory.

” Take care! Wait for you to return home!”

I don’t know if she would see it. Yang Heng, who had been in sight for a long time, bowed slightly and silently recited it in his heart.

Turned into the cabin, with special materials to embark on the road to return home.

Soon, the transport plane re-taken off, the sound of “banging up” came from the sea, and the strong winds returned to the sky again. After a while, it turned into a black spot. Only the wing lights on both sides flashed like stars, and finally they were withdrawn. The bottom disappeared from the night.

“Call the command center, call the Chinese side, my plane has taken off safely, and will land at Dili Airport after eight hours. It will land in the eight hours later.”

“Received, received, completed radar lock, complete radar lock.”

In the sky, the captain called the command center, the ground, and Li Yannian contacted the naval commander to report their latest news.

They have left the temporary landing point of the transport plane and went to the mine to rescue the employees of the two countries controlled by illegal militants.

I wish the Lieutenant Colonel finally got the most news from the mines. Three soldiers from the two classes sent out went to the scene to report back to the mines they knew.

“A total of more than 70 illegal militants control the mines, the radio is blocked by them, there is no way to contact the outside world, and there are illegal militants on the road…”

“The vehicles are temporarily hidden in the woods, and finally come back on foot, the Lieutenant Colonel, have to send troops as soon as possible!”

The soldier’s report made the two middle-aged eyebrows of the Chinese Academy of Education screw up to a few knots. There were more than 70 illegal militants, and they met again on the road. Then the special forces brothers who went to the rescue had to fight fiercely!

Give strength to force, give strength, one day, the monthly ticket is broken, and you must add more tonight, you must add more!

(End of this chapter)

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