Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4305 - Sweaty (seeking a monthly pass)

Chapter 4305, sweating (seeking a monthly pass)

As the intelligence said, Cullo Caesardin has high-tech weapon blessings around him. The Z7 invading the probe database first invades the other party’s wireless communication. After that, the electronic silent wireless communication is only received, and the whole process is silent.

By controlling all the probe equipment on the entire ship, the Z7 provides timely information to the comrades who enter the intricate cabins underneath, including where to enter the lounge of Cullo Caesardin.

The darkness is no longer in front of the intricate cabin. From time to time, there will be a few faint yellow lights shining. The illegal militants armed with guns are more visible everywhere. The special forces of the snow squad are extremely difficult before going forward. If you take a step, you have to take the cat down again. With the aid of the wall-infrared device to avoid one whistle, and with the help of the individual combat thermal imaging equipment, it is extremely dangerous to avoid the whistle hidden in the dark.

Walking in the dark, the special forces on the body layer after another hot sweat are all thanking them for carrying the individual combat system. Without these good guys, they have a chance to enter the cabin tonight, so they are desperate to live. Go out!

There are whistle everywhere, infrared everywhere, probes everywhere.

“Grass, do they really be rulers themselves?”

Z7, who did not enter the cabin, but also sweated, gnawed his teeth and said: “When you go out, you will find a hidden probe, and there are two thermal imaging infrared probes, grass, want to be the next Pentagon?”

“Less **** nonsense, get it!”

V8 said low, he will barb the cabin pipe at this moment, sweat dripping from the back neck, falling with a drop of water like a drop.

Ten fingers have been brushed into the shadow of the Z7 biting the gangster: “I regret now that I have not left X to my side, the two people invade the system together, the time can save at least half,”

From deciphering the hidden probe’s firewall to blocking, it takes eight minutes.

The cowman X who graduated from the computer science department of Huada did not speak. He and Y have other things to do!

The next step is to destroy the emission signal of the infrared probe. The Z7 is doing this again. The frequency of the signal received by the infrared sensor is captured by him, and then the frequency is regenerated. The infrared probe is re-emitted through the transmitter, and the hidden infrared probe temporarily loses its effect.

After another five minutes, the sound of the slowdown of Z7 came, “Get it.”

The body sweated a new round of black screen and the breath finally passed the turn, it seems that it is almost at the end of the cabin.

“Three iron anchors… yes, turn here and you can reach the Cullo Caesardin lounge.”

“Go three meters ahead, two whistle, can be cleared directly.”

The two commandos have already solved the two dark whistle, and there are two targets to be solved after the wall infrared display wall.

“Direct solution!”

Xia Jinyuan grabbed **** and speeded up the movement.

In front of the lounge of Cullo Caesardin, the nine hundred and ninety-nine steps have already been completed, and the last step is worse!

He and the K7 both shot at the same time, and the two whistle attracted by the small movement were directly twisted off the neck. The two sides of the hook were twisted and the two targets were twisted. They had not yet come down, and the comrades on both sides had rushed to catch it. Instantly lose the two goals of breathing, then gently hold your hands to the side.

X and Y have already reached the entrance to the Cullo Caesardin lounge. This is a password door. It is not a general fingerprint or a digital password. A total of four sets of passwords are required to be translated into four doors.

The last day of April is gone. The little goblins have turned over the monthly ticket and there is wood. Don’t give up, I will be very sad when I am invalid.

(End of this chapter)

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