Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4319 - Follow one heart and one mind

Chapter 4319 is followed by one heart and one mind

They don’t love, they don’t want to love, but they are not afraid of death. They are afraid of “love”. They are eager to be loved, longing for love, but afraid to be loved, afraid to become a dream.

They became “cowards” who were afraid of meeting love, and the bachelors in the team were like this.

However, the love between Q King and Jade Bird made them see different sweetness, and they became dare and they dared to love.

Even if there is a rush of blood all the way, if she is accompanied by her, she will feel happy.

Listening to the love words of Xia Jinyuan, V8, Z7 and other comrades in the eyes smiled deeply.

The comrades who don’t know the relationship between the two, such as X, Y, such as the water ghosts in the storm commando team, all thought that he was worried that the bluebird would go to the storm commando, and the special forces of the snowy brigade immediately patted the chest: “Captain We promise to complete the mission and ensure that the Jade Bird will not be a brother, and will follow the captain with one heart and one mind!”

Follow the captain with one heart and one mind, this sentence, Xia Jinyuan loves to listen!

The “water ghosts” did not like to listen, and the channel suddenly heard a “cut” sound, indicating their dissatisfaction.

“Can you let the bluebird follow my brother with one heart and one mind, and rely on the brothers!”

Li Yannian turned off the microphone and listened to the arrogant voice of the guy on the leaf: “If you give him a day, don’t feel bad. You owe it.”

In the face of his brother, he is swearing, huh, huh, huh, not what blame is.

The blushing red eyes and the temperament are getting better. The leaves are closed and the microphone answers. “You hit you, I can’t see it at school.”

Obviously it is to protect Xia Jinjin.

As a brother, Li Xinnian’s heart was sour and straight, so he was so protected, so he was so painful.

Even if he wants to finish Xia Jinjin in the future, he also intends not to disclose to his sister a half sentence, lest he will be saddened by his sister’s approach to Xia Jinyuan.

Xia Jinyuan, who has finished his love, is just right, his girlfriend is thin, his girlfriend’s big brother is fierce and short-sighted and careful, in order not to worry in the future, he has to stop.

“Well, brothers, the words are also said, laughing and laughing, the moment of relaxation has passed, and now we are collecting our hearts. Let’s talk about how to get together the fastest, and rely on our legs to make trouble. Find a way to get a car.”

When it comes to the task, the public channel of laughter is quiet in the first second, and Ye Jian has also put away her daughter’s mind. The look on her face has become extraordinarily cold, and the picturesque eyebrows have been chilled.

“I just looked at the distance. You can get close to the periphery of the mine after half an hour to find the car. If we don’t have a car, we will take about three hours to get there even if we run all the way.”

“The time is too long, it is not desirable to walk! I want to get a car as soon as possible. The car is done by ourselves. Devil, you have to touch around all the time and see if you can touch a few people first. The situation has come out.”

“After touching it, don’t be rushed, find a breakthrough, let’s get out and finish the strangle.”

An action team has a combat team deployment. Now it is two action teams. If there are enough people, it can be deployed more daringly. Li Lannian said: “There are two peacekeepers who have touched the mine and the other party will The mine is wirelessly shielded and cannot deliver valid messages in a timely manner.”

“We used to merge with the two classes of peacekeepers and then sneak into the mine. If the situation is different and the situation changes, we will act in advance. When you arrive, you will be responsible for the retreat support and complete the hostage escort.”

(End of this chapter)

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