Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4351 - I really want to fight

Chapter 4351, I want to fight

Luke knows how dark his face is and how stinky it is.

Yes, why didn’t he think of it? Why are you still happy?

Now think about it, he is really stupid!

Xia Jinyuan was sighing all the way, and he did not forget to make a slight gesture to Ye Jian in the middle. “I thought you would doubt, but I really didn’t think… you thought I revealed the whereabouts of cobra to you, just because we are very Good partner.”

Every time he said Luke’s face, he was black. When he finished, Luke’s face was already black. “So, are you saying that I am stupid?”

Thinking in my heart, turning around, Luke slowly tightened his fist.

This guy is really not wrong!

With his cautious personality, how could he ask what he asked at the time?

Since he is loyal to cobra, he will be kept secret about Cobra’s itinerary, and even if he is his partner, he will not be able to reveal a sentence.

At that time myself… how stupid it is to everything because the relationship between the two is very good!

Deep down, Luke thought that he was not stupid at the time.

“And, you spit the truth after drinking, I said at the time that you said a few words that I didn’t understand, but unfortunately you still didn’t think of it.”

“You obviously only have one language. After drinking, I said a few words that I didn’t understand. With my loyalty to cobra, why didn’t I tell cobra?”

“That’s because I intend to hide it for you, and why do I intentionally hide it for you? It’s because you and I have the same purpose and don’t need to kill each other.”

Xia Jinyuan continued to say that Luke’s mouth, which had a dark face, had been twitching, and his shoulders had to be photographed from time to time. Luke only felt that his face was completely gone, and the paste could not be pasted.

He blinked his hand on his shoulders, and his face was black and deep, and Luke’s face was expressionless: “I hate people on my shoulders now!”

“You used to like to shoot my shoulder.” Xia Jinyuan took back his hand and smiled and said: “I just learned you.”

Luke blinked and his chest continued to undulate.

In front of this, I am joking, laughing at the guy who is like a street gangster or the summer he knows?

Not at all!

The previous summer was cold and serious, and I was always teasing myself. It was a sexual incompetence that even women were not interested.

In the summer of the moment, the words that made him made him angry, and even laughed and laughed so bad that he wanted to go up!

“You know my identity when you go to Myanmar, right, you can understand Russian, right. So, you always know my identity, and I never know who you are.”

Luke is angry, he really feels stupid like a donkey!

“Smart, all right. Unfortunately, there is no wine, otherwise, I really want to have a drink!”

“Thank you for the compliment! But I do not want you to celebrate! I just wanted to hit your meal!” Luke waved his fist, almost to a dental chew, “you know everything, but I do not I know, finally, in order to find you, I almost died in the hotel. Your hypocritical guy deceived my feelings!”


In the last sentence, Luke groaned and sneaked out. Ye Jian, who was slowly coming over, intercepted it halfway, just intercepting “you are a hypocritical guy, deceiving my feelings”, and the foot is pushing, almost a little bit. Squatted.

Xia team… Deceive a man’s feelings?

What is a deception law?

Ye Jian, who is very interested, decided to listen first and not to bother.

See you at night, little fairies.

(End of this chapter)

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