Chapter 4353 Strength and IQ

When the face is squinting, the leaf behind the grin is gone, she has to find a place to rest well, and the stomach is faintly discomfort. It is almost a day when the blood is going to be released every month.

Fortunately, her body was paralyzed, and there was no other reaction except for some faint discomfort before coming.

Looking away from Ye Jian, Xia Jinyuan sat down on the knees and looked at Luke Dao who still closed his eyes: “The cobra has been hung up, but his power has not been dissolved. I know that your signal flag still has action. You have been with Cobra for six years. It is best not to enter Meraburn to avoid being recognized.”

“I am like you, the soldiers who have been mixed in order to get rid of cobra. You have your duties. I have my duties. We are all loyal to our country. Some things I know, I can’t ask you for proof.” ”

“I really want to say directly in Melaben that I know that you are a signal flag soldier. Do you choose to cooperate with me? Or do you shoot me? You will choose the latter. I am not coming over by you, I need to Do my thing well.”

Luke, who is a soldier, actually understands that it will be a little bit unacceptable in his heart… He has not found anything!

Nothing has been found in his collection of the net within a week, summer must hold the chest every day, the secret is to make fun of it!


Luke cursed a low and finally opened his eyes again. “You hide too well. I really didn’t find your problem at all. In summer, your disguise succeeded in deceiving everyone.”

“Your disguise has also successfully fooled everyone.” Xia Jinyuan smiled and replied.

Luke blinked. “But I didn’t fool you!”

“That’s because you are holding too much wine with beautiful women. I advised you to drink less and make yourself ugly. Unfortunately, you didn’t listen.”


Luke is also a master who is not very embarrassed. It is like this. The fist is on the mat, and a punch is slowly disappearing. Luke wipes his face and stares at Xia Jinyuan: “How did you leave the hotel later?”

“Into the hotel passengers, take the car and leave.”

Xia Jinyuan did not say that he left the car of Qin Xiu, the Chinese ambassador to Melbourne, and did not have to bring Qin Xiu into it.

The sun was hot, but there was a breeze blowing, sitting in the breeze under the shade of the trees, but it didn’t feel very hot. A leaf fell quietly and fluttered down on Luke’s shoulder.

Xia Jinyuan reached out to the fallen leaves and said with sincerity: “Luke, thank you for your help. I apologize for my own concealment. If you choose once, sorry, I will choose to conceal you as a Chinese soldier.”

“I think, you can understand.”

The leaves are swaying between his fingers, and the slender fingers are a little thin, but full of strength. Luke Ding was determined to see the scene of the hotel’s cobra falling over that day…

It was this pair of hands that shot the cobra in one shot.

Very fruit break the gun, did not give cobra a way to live.

“You don’t want us to bring cobra back to Russia, are you?” Luke asked.

“Of course, he is a very dangerous guy. As long as he is alive, everything is full of variables. Only dead, the ending is the real ending.”

Luke’s eyes were tight and he asked, “You know we want to take him back to Russia, right?”

Xia Jinyuan raised his eyebrows and replied indifferently. “I just want to kill him. In this way, I can return to China as soon as possible.” As for knowing that the Russian plan is not important, is it important?

it is not important.

Good night, little goblins… good dreams

(End of this chapter)

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