Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4361 - Declare sovereignty

Chapter 4361 declares sovereignty

Occasionally, I need to see some sunshine and declare sovereignty?

Ye Jian’s eyes narrowed slightly and seemed to think of something.

For a few moments, Ye simple to know why he said this, the original … deliberately to the water commanders of the storm commando to see it.

Sitting opposite her is the storm commando scouts, anemones, seaweeds, and two people’s ability to reconnoiter… I am afraid to see the summer team’s small movements early.

Ye Jian raised her forehead, well, she did not struggle with her.

After a few hours’ drive, he was able to sleep on his shoulders just as he was squatting. As for the sea anemones and seaweeds, they thought about it and she couldn’t control it.

Ye Jian, who is holding the gun, is no longer struggling, and she hears Xia Jinyuan telling her: “Sleep, if there is something, you will have energy to deal with it.”

Forget it, I found out that when I talked about a love, she had a clear conscience.

Nodded and whispered back: “You will also have a rest, and you will have to work with the devil.”

The entire driving distance was handled by the captains of the two teams. Now Li Liyin is in charge. Later, Xia Jinyuan is responsible for the delay. The two captains take turns taking the co-pilot position until they arrive in Keke.

Ye Jian put his pillow on his shoulder, closed his eyes and began to recharge his batteries. He didn’t breathe for a long time, and he went deep into sleep.

Long-term operations and the “relatives” are about to visit, and Ye Jian needs to guarantee a certain amount of sleep.

Xia Jinyuan was slightly low, and she saw her with a slight light. She smiled and fell asleep, and her thin lips were bent to reveal a gentle smile.

Obviously still smiling at Ye Jian, squatting between the ground and Xia Jinyuan, he swept away to the opposite side, his line of sight was fierce, and he was stunned to observe in secret, and his heart was shocked by the seaweed and anemones of the 12th earthquake. people.

I thought that I was hiding very well. I knew that the sudden hair was caught by Xia Jinjin. The seaweed and the sea anemones, both eyes and eyes, scared the back and brushed a brush, and the eyes closed tightly and stopped talking.

Although the eyes did not look, but … the two secretly communicated constantly.

The two people sitting opposite each other had been writing and communicating in the palm of the other hand as soon as they found out that the situation was not right.

“I am sure now, really a pair! Just now Q King’s eyes are clearly warning us not to talk about it.” The anemone quickly wrote, was blindly swept away, and his heart was still a little confused, “How do I feel like Deliberately let us see it, it is impossible to be cautious with Q Wang.”

The words written in the palm of the hand stopped, the seaweed gathered five fingers, and wrote to the anemone palm, “It was deliberately let us see, telling us that the bluebird is in their team, and it is still his woman, let us play less bluebirds. The idea.”

“He just deliberately did, and expected that we will find out.”

After receiving the words of his comrades, the seaweed with his fingers closed for a while, and continued to write down. “Have you found that the devil is not very common to the blue bird, and the devil also likes… the blue bird.”

It’s not a seaweed. I think that the water ghosts in the storm commando have this feeling. Moreover, they think that the two people are quite fit, so they really want to be a beautiful thing.

Even if the blue bird can not become a comrade in the team, if you become the devil’s girlfriend, you can do it!

Who knows…

They all think about it!

Jade Birds became their comrades, impossible!

Jade Bird became the devil’s girlfriend, impossible!

Nothing is possible, everything is white.

I don’t know if the Devil knows the relationship between the Jade Bird and the Q King. I know how sad it is.

Sea anemones and seaweed began to worry about the devil.

Good night, little fairies.

(End of this chapter)

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