Chapter 4381 is doing beautifully

The first, second and third universities were seized, and the fourth was Brills, whose face was completely stiff, and Cartwright did not complete the sprint until now.

In the afternoon, the sun was hot enough to sit like an oven, and the students sitting on the floor were all sweating and sweating, their cheeks were red, and the eyes fixed on the stadium were bright enough to stop in the sun, not being sun-baked, and all the spirits were full of energy.

Win, win, and win beautiful.

The tide of applause sounded, no shouting, no applause, only neatness, can reflect the disciplinary applause of our military.

The applause didn’t last long. After the 3:00, the tide of applause disappeared. In the field, Cartwright and Briers from Manfred stood together, and there was no arrogance, only thick and unwilling.

The mood of the two is not so bad now, so bad that they simply don’t want to talk to anyone, including the natives of Manfred.

The students in Sedona have already shaken hands with Ye Jian. The same skin color, the Sedona students from the same land than the Normans do not know how to be modest, and sent them congratulations in the first time.

The other four men and women students were a little behind. They mainly went to comfort Briars and Carter Rice. They knew that the two men did not appreciate it at all. They used their eyes to show off the students who wanted to come and comfort themselves.

They don’t need the comfort of these guys from poor families.

“We just didn’t adapt to their game. Next, we will definitely win!”

Carter’s gripped his head, his thick lips clenched, and the pair of black skins were white and white, and some of the slightly protruding eyes were particularly embarrassed because they talked hard.

It should be that they won the right thing, it should be that they won the Chinese students!

It was so lost, very unwilling, totally unacceptable.

“We have participated in the international military school student competition, we are ranked sixth, these Chinese students can not win me and you!”

His fingers are more **** his chest, and the results of the current game are totally unacceptable. “It should be that we win! They can’t win me and you!”

“To shut up!”

Briers’s eyes were fierce and he kept talking to Carter. He couldn’t accept it, but the result was that he lost.

He lost!

damn it!

He did not think that he would lose!

Cartes, whose chest is still undulating, shut up. Without his interference, Briers took a deep breath. He pointed to Ye Jian. “You look at the Chinese student now, have you found anything? We are not? Have you seen her?”


“Chinese female student, have we seen her? I seem to have seen her and seen her somewhere!”

Brills breathed in a big mouth, his eyes fixed on the leaf Jane, and he kept searching for where he had seen her.

He can be sure that he must have seen her there!

“Of course I have seen her. We first came to this military school. She received us.” Cartwright turned to relax his ankles, staring at him, staring at the students of Mang, Sedonia. Chinese student who speaks.

“No, no, we have seen this woman in other places. You must think about it again, you must have seen it! I have seen her with you!”

“I…you must have seen her with you? Have you seen Chinese students? We only have one time to meet Chinese students together. Only the international military academy students have met Chinese students together!”

(End of this chapter)

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