Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4383 - Start her wonderful

Chapter 4383 begins her wonderful

The whistle of the three-country student competition in the field sounded, and the 100-meter sprint was completed in an instant. This is the first step, and the easiest step for the entire 400-meter obstacle training. The three-nation students completed the sprint of the Chinese students with a hundred meters sprint.

The atmosphere of the competition in the venue has become more and more heated as the distance between the three countries has increased. Three students have passed. The students of Manfei are temporarily behind the two obstacles. The students of Sedona are lower than the second. After three passes, the distance was opened at once, behind the Chinese four obstacles, behind the six obstacles of Man Fei.

The 400-meter obstacle is a 100-meter sprint, bypassing the flag flag, five-step pile, crossing the raft, flying the low wall, jumping through the high board, passing the ladder, passing the wooden bridge, climbing the wall, drilling the low pile net, winding Passing the flag to turn back, through the low pile net, climbing the wall, bypassing the lower column of the wooden bridge, passing the ladder, jumping through the high board, drilling through the low wall hole, jumping off the ditch, crossing the five-step pile, winding The flag flag turns and runs 100 meters to the finish point to complete all the competitions in this group.

This is the 400-meter obstacle training in the National Science Department, and it is also the 400-meter obstacle training in the army.

The Snowy Brigade and the Storm Commando have increased the difficulty factor in the original 400-meter obstacle training. For example, when you leap the low wall, you have to take some of the things on the low wall. You need to go through the high board. The rifle completes the shooting, and for example, the low-pile net surface of the drill climbs and there is a flame. It can be said that each obstacle is more difficult, far from the training of the 400-meter obstacle of the National Science University.

This is one of the differences between special operations forces and general force training.

The students of the four classes of the National Science and Technology University have not been nervous because they are behind two obstacles. They will catch up and will try their best to catch up.

The third relay was completed. The students who were behind two obstacles were only nine seconds behind the Manfei students who came back. Song Qiuqiu relayed. When it was on the ladder, Song Qiuqiu had been parallel with the Manfei students, and the Songqiuqiu had already led the high wall.

The fifth relay became the first Chinese, and it was far superior to the three obstacles of the Manfei students.

Manfred student Cartwright has completed the relay, seeing the Chinese students once again overtake them, the mouth that was eclipsed by the black skin color and almost broke a few.

The sixth is Briers. He was originally the first, but when he saw Ye Jian’s finale, he was competing with Ye Jianyi. He immediately applied for the exchange order. The instructor and instructor satisfied his application. Into the end.

At this moment, only the sixth relay did not start. Cartwright next to the station gritted his teeth and said: “Anselm may not be able to surpass the Chinese students, Briers, you are our hope to defeat China!”

They want to win, and they really want to win. Only by winning the Chinese students can they leave this terrible place and go to the most desirable West Point school.

Can’t wait!

If you can, I really want to leave today!

Song Zhiqiu climbed over the barbed wire, and his sweat dripping in the dusty land inside the barbed wire, the sweat on his face mottled with a dust and climbed out.

The fifth return, the turn of the last Ye Jian played, Brills sent a silent provocation to Ye Jian across the Sedoya trainees, people are high, only need to lift the chin, the line of sight sweeps down, there is a disdain expression.

The hostility is too deep, and it is difficult for Ye Jian to ignore it.

(End of this chapter)

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