Chapter 4386, the rising star

The applause behind him was endless, and the day did not let the students back down. It was more like a kind of fire that ignited the blood of the students, and burned their youth and sweat.

At that moment, their applause rose for Ye Jian, and the fire in their sight was even hotter because of Ye Jian.

Listening to the applause, and then watching the cool female students in the battlefield, the instructor laughed and laughed. “Going forward, there must be more up-and-coming talents!”

“The power of the example can affect not only one generation, but Ye Jian’s four years directly affects her session, and the following three sessions, and the following three sessions can be influenced from generation to generation. This is my Chinese teenager, and the country is borderless! ”

The instructor’s answer made the instructor laugh, yes, today’s situation today will be common in the future!

The difficulty factor is five stars, one meter eight high, two meters long, and the height of fifty centimeters is high and the platform is getting closer and closer to the leaf, the high platform is in front, the low platform is behind, the twilight is cold, and the barren is deep. The leaves and legs of the sputum sputum are full of strength, and one leg squats first, and the hands rise to the high edge of the board at the moment of the jump. Then, with the joint force of the legs and the arms, the high façade is raised with the knees. , slammed into the high board with a sigh of relief.

Her speed was too fast, fast and steady, and the students who watched it were dazzled. The last second was still immersed in the excitement of her leap in the low wall. She hadn’t pulled it out yet, she had already turned it in the next second. Got high and jumped to the low platform!

“I rely! Wonderful! It used to be obvious to us!”

The male students of this class saw the excitement, and they did not pay attention to the oral sputum hidden in the school.

Turning over the two low stations, and then jumping from the last low platform, Ye Jian has taken Briels out of the distance, and the Sedona students need not say more.

“Filling leaves, fueling leaves!”

“Refueling leaves Jane! Plus hard to refresh the record! You can do it!”

“Refresh the record, refresh the record, leaf Jane, come on! Come on!”

I don’t know who shouted first, and every time I was infected with every student, not only that, but there were several classes of students in the senior and freshmen who lined up to watch the battle.

An instructor in charge of the one-in-one training did not intend to pass by. He rushed to the scene and shouted over the trainees who were training. He was alarmed by other classes. So, all the students in the senior and senior classes came.

It was a coincidence that I caught up with the 400-meter obstacle course like Ye Jian’s textbook.

I haven’t approached yet. I suddenly heard the juniors shouting loudly, “Ye Jian is cheering.” The seniors and freshmen’s instructors, together with the scorpion, “keep the formation, speed up! Run!”

Huh…calling…哗…哗…The neat and rhythmic footsteps came, and almost two hundred students ran at speed.

Ye Jian went to the ladder with four stars of difficulty.

The horizontal horizontal ladder consisting of fifteen steel round pipes, each three to four centimeters in diameter and two meters long in height, jumps to the front of the ladder and jumps up, and grasps the second horizontal bar with both hands, and rushes through the body. Inertia, hands quickly cross forward.

Seeing this item, the student Liu Yang couldn’t help but swallow his throat. When he was a freshman, he folded it back at the ladder.

When the hanging hands were crossed and moved forward, the whole body was not properly coordinated. On the spot, a shoulder joint dislocation occurred. For a while, he was worried about the ladder.

Three years in the same class, he really did not see Ye Jian lost his hand during training.

Good night, good night, it’s exciting to write…

(End of this chapter)

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