Chapter 4389 Breaking the record

This is the moment that belongs to Ye Jian. How fast she runs, how much is it that people are watching at the place. As for Brills’ mistakes, I am sorry, I really didn’t pay attention.

Bright white to the glare of the sun shrouded everyone, clearly illuminated to some of the eyes can not open, but because of the corrective fitness shadow on the court, the eyes are all round, all eyes are concentrated on one person, all the shouts are her alone And up.

At that moment, the stadium was boiling, and at that moment, the passion was embarrassing.

After passing the high board diving platform, I drilled through the low wall hole, my legs flew, and leaped over the ditch. All obstacles of 400 meters were about to be completed.

The sixth student of Sedona knew that he could not win the Chinese students. Although he still tried his best to complete the competition, the shouts in the stadium were too shocking. He was so distracted that he couldn’t help but drop his sight to the Chinese woman who was running very fast. On the trainee.

She is too fast, every obstacle seems to her to be flat, and she is just running on the ground, there is no difficulty at all.

If he didn’t see it with his own eyes, he couldn’t believe that someone could run so fast and couldn’t believe it was a female student.

Ye Jian did not know how fast he was, bypassing the flag and turning the flag, and the 100-meter sprint began.

Liu Yang stared at the stopwatch, and then looked at the sprinting figure, breathing has already been tight.

Fast, fast, fast!

come on! Come on!

Come on!

Ye Jian!

After completing the sprint, the applause and shouts from the field pushed to the highest point again. All the students stood up and applauded for the figure that brought them a visual feast.

It was not until the completion of the sprint Ye Jian that he dropped his sight off the field, and he seemed to know that the field was so boiling.

Five students, including Song Zhiqiu, looked at Ye Jian, who was back in the team, and his eyes burned.

“Ye Jian, you are very likely to refresh a record.” When she approached, Song Zhiqiu whispered, “Instructors, instructors are nervous to stand all the way, hey, look, they are staring at the time.” “”

Wen Yan said that the back of the wet leaf suddenly smiled and shook his head. “Impossible, the record of the brothers is not so easy to break.”

“Not necessarily, you look at the instructor’s look, very excited.” The students from another class also whispered, he heard the conversation between the two, could not help but join.

The two of them thought that Ye Jian broke the record and clearly created the record. So far, the brothers who have not been recorded by the students have been recorded.

Because I know, I am calm and think that it is impossible.

Xia team, it is impossible to break the record he created.

He is now an invincible myth in the Snowy Brigade. She and his strength are still far apart, and how can he break the record he created.

The other three students did not hear the conversation. All of them were smiling for the leaf briefing. Good, Ye Jian! Today, the whole process of crushing Man Fei, the two most arrogant students, is refreshing!

“The arrogant man hasn’t finished running yet. I have seen how dark his face is now.”

“He doesn’t know if he is black, but I know that one is already dark.” The last student smiled very lightly, indicating that the students in the game looked at Cartwright after the game.

I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been staring at Ye Jian, who has been staring at the team. Cartwright instantly caught the sight of the Chinese students’ fall. Seeing this, he was quite confused and retracted his eyes, and then realized that he was not doing this properly. And both eyes are fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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