Chapter 4394 stupid behavior

The arrogant Brielles stood up and looked down to the position of the Chinese student. The sneer of the corner of his mouth instantly solidified.

He thinks that he is the first to complete, and Cartwright will be the second. The fact is… Someone finished shooting earlier than him.

The chest of the face with the muscles stiffened and stiff, and the pain in the chest, even the **** that was injured by the instructor was painful.

The **** Chinese student is here! !

When does she stand up?

Did she shoot all ten shots in the end!

Another Chinese student stood up, and he thought that Carter Wright, who was the second to stand up, would insert the small red flag, about 15 seconds later than the Chinese student.

Another time the heavy-hearted Brills chest was ups and downs, and it took a lot of effort to take back his gloomy sight from the Chinese students.

It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter. The score of the game is based on the number of chest target rings. What can be done when the first shot is completed? The level of achievement does not have much to do with time!

Brills, who didn’t ask for good again and again, couldn’t accept the fact of failure, and he couldn’t face the skill. He finally used his ridiculous so-called identity and bloodlines to maintain his surviving, and he was able to continue his chin. I am proud of it.

Cartwright’s mood at this moment is also very bad. He believes in his shooting level and shooting speed. He thinks he will only fall behind the excellent Brielles, but he has slapped him.

Wait until the number of chest target rings is counted, especially the number of rings in the leaf, and ten rounds of bullets hit the top ten, and Cartwright questioned on the spot. “No, this is impossible! I need to check her chest ring! I question it!”

In addition to the support of Brills, the faces of the other four Manfred students became very poor and poor.

Identity and ancestry can no longer prevent the stupid behavior of the two!

Shame for their stupid behavior!

A Sedona student who was close to Cartwright could not leave the traces and walk away from him.

Stupid enough that even the national students began to resent, why haven’t they found out yet?

In this regard, the Sedona students said they could not understand.

In the face of Cartwright’s doubts, the instructors readily agreed.

Not to the Yellow River does not give up, not to see the coffin does not tears, the tune continues to hang high, more than a few times to see if it will become honest.

The Sedona students said that they did not have any doubts and did not need to look at the target. The other four Manfred students also did not want to go, but they did not have the opportunity to refuse, and they could only follow the past.

Song Zhiqiu is the representative of the Chinese students, accompanied by the instructors to take the Manfei students to see the target position.

The leaf bullets shot by Ye Jian concentrated on a dot shot, and the center dots were all empty. Cartwright saw the center circle of the shot, but I still don’t understand.

“Excuse me, there are still objections, do you still need to question?” Song Zhiqiu spoke on behalf of the instructor. He said, “Can you continue the next game? I hope that you can perform well and stop showing similar situations. Thank you.”

A “thank you” sarcasm, let Carter Wright’s face hot and hot to the pain, wolf.

Any objections?

of course not.

What he suspected, the reality once again slammed a few slaps on their faces, and if the face was thin, they had no face to escape. Both of them have thick faces and can continue to stand.

(End of this chapter)

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