Chapter 4396 Despicable

Ye Jian, I really thought that Xu Wen didn’t know that he liked her.

It’s okay to play silly, he has no way to let her continue to stupid.

The Manfei students have returned, and the instructors who are talking to the Sedona students have given them a few words of encouragement, waiting for the arrival of the Manfei students.

Cartwright dared to go to the students in front of him, facing the instructor, he still did not have the courage.

When the total number of firing rings of the tripartite students was announced, the instructor specifically asked whether Cartwright and Brills had any doubts. Both said that they did not.

Brills did not come out this time, the facts are in front of them, they have nothing to say.

The shooting competition has not yet begun. Who wins and loses the students has already had the results in mind, and Ye Jian is present, want to win, it is difficult!

What’s more, the six students in this competition are all highly qualified military students. Standing there, all of them are as stable as Taishan, how can they lose? !

In addition to Brills and Cartwright, the attitudes of other Manfred students and Sedona students have calmed down. This is a friendship game in itself. Now that the finale has been decided, the final game is not as easy to complete.

It is not as good as its own strength. It is not surprising to lose to Chinese students, and it is not necessary to feel angry.

In the last game, the students watching the game were not watching the game at this time, but watching how the six Chinese students crushed the two over-exaggerated guys.

Cartwright clenched the rifle, his eyes gloomy and glanced at the Chinese students across several people. The sinister poisoned his eyes like a spider web.

He will teach the Chinese students well and tell them what it is not to respect his end!

In order to avoid the unexpected incidents of Briars and Cartwright to the Chinese students, the instructors and instructors deliberately arranged for the students of the Sedona to stand in the middle of the station and separate the students from the Chinese and Mani and the wise arrangements. The entire game will be successfully completed.

Now in the last game, given that the two lose too much, they can feel resentment at a certain distance. From the perspective of insurance, the instructor arranges the instructors to re-focus on the two people who seem to be at any time, and secretly swears Ye Jian, Song Zhiqiu, etc. The students are more careful.

Be careful to make the ship a million years, beware that it is always good.

A magazine containing twenty bullets was loaded into the rifle, and as the whistle sounded, eighteen students bounced on the rifle and then quickly proceeded to shoot.

The total range is 100 meters. After 30 meters, 20 rounds of bullets need to be completed in three minutes. The pace needs to be speeded up, and the shooting speed needs to be accelerated. At the same time, the shooting is accurate and the difficulty is natural.

Xu Wen glared at the blushing eyes of sweat, and kept her eye on Ye Jian. She couldn’t scream for a while. She slammed hard and licked her neck and turned red. She couldn’t help but lick her thighs and smashed her back. Hold her arm tight.

The gunshots in the arena were very fierce. In the midst of the sudden, Cartwright, who was walking fast, seemed to be kicking something. The whole person went forward, and the footsteps did not stabilize, and he fell a few steps.

The contestants continued to shoot, and Cartwright, who fell, estimated that he had twisted his foot. When he climbed up for the first time, he saw him planting and stared at his instructor running…

The second time, Cartwright climbed up and stood up. The students in the game had surpassed him early and were at least two bullets behind. He became the last one, equivalent to standing behind all the contestants.

The instructor who ran to see this, and his eyebrows jumped up. He seemed to think of something, and even the pupils tightened instantly.

Danger, Chinese students are in danger!

See you in the early morning, I saw you in the early morning.

(End of this chapter)

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