Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4402 - Terrible summer school

Chapter 4402, Terrible Summer School

It’s just a lot of fun, and it’s a few times to clean up a few times. Slowly and slowly, the edges are smooth, bloody, and calm on the battlefield… slowly become a qualified special soldier.

To the snowy squad, all of them are healthy and motivated young men. He hopes that when they retired, they will still have mature limbs, and they are mature and mature.

When you join the army, you have to live alive.

There are enough names in the Martyrs Cemetery, and you can add fewer if you add fewer.

The black scorpion looking forward to the front became a little bit darker, and even the whole body gradually became lower. The thin and tight lips of the summer and the dynasty said: “The strong agent is enough, just look at which of the first anti-touch, Write down your name.”

“There are a lot of kids who have great potential and are tidy. I have listened to a few kid-in-laws a few days ago. I changed my day to set my linen bag. I haven’t seen any action until now. There is no thief in the thief. It is really boring.”

G3 laughs. “There is only you want to be quilted.” Gmei picked up and G3 laughed again. “I really have such a day. Whoever picks up is not sure.”

Xia Jinyuan said: “If they really have the ability to clean up me, oh, I am happy when I was shackled. After two years, I have been practicing for two years… It is time to go out.”

“The boss said?” G3 asked.

Pulled a grass and nodded to Xia Jinyuan, who was chewing in the mouth. “Well, I said, the second half begins.”

On the second day after returning from Libya, Xia Jinyuan, who returned to the base, received a phone call from Major General Yang, referring to soldiers who had not gone out to perform tasks in the Snowy Brigade for two years, and revealed that some border tasks will be completed by them in the second half of the year.

Start with the border mission and then go abroad.

G3 was a little silent and replied: “It’s really fast, it’s two years.”

“Tomorrow let the white crane lead the team to train us. In early July, we will put a practical exercise in southern Xinjiang…” Without saying a word, Xia Jinyuan continued to think about it: “When the bluebird is on the summer vacation, she has to pull her in.”

“Playing the enemy?”

“Look, I am more inclined to insert her into this group of soldiers.”

“It’s feasible. If you are interested in training, you have to take the troops to fight in advance.” G3 beheaded, and he also tends to arrange the Jade Birds into the ranks of soldiers who will perform their duties in the second half of the year.

Although the soldiers who are training now enter the snowy battalion for two years, they have never performed any tasks, and they are not considered a special snow squad special forces.

One of the two captains talked about the next training arrangement, and the special forces training in the mud pit in front was on the verge of breaking out.

The veterans who observed their emotional changes in the dark all recorded them one by one, and quickly reported to Xia Jinyuan, who had finished eating and cooling.

In the base, the special forces who have not yet performed the task are not staring at the dark place in the toilet. The rest of the time, all the actions are exposed to the veteran’s line of sight, and then complete the summer and the present.

Xia Jinyuan, who left the team for a year and a half after cobra, returned to the base. It took only three days to master all the information. He had to say… it was terrible.

The terrible summer lieutenant school did not know that his record of staying at the National Science University had been broken by his growing girlfriend. Ye Jian, who is far away from Xiangcheng, stared at the record of a 400-meter obstacle test from a boyfriend. A smirk.

Very happy, very happy!

Four seconds faster than the summer team!

Next time she meets, she must tell him that the best record of the school’s 400-meter obstacle test will be her, waiting for the following brothers and sisters to challenge.

(End of this chapter)

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