Chapter 4405 is like a water year

The instructors taught them for so long, and some small habits all know that, for example, when they are angry, they like to play the first cold and cold “hehe” three times. The trainees will know that the storm is coming, and they are ready for wind and rain.

For example, when you are happy, you will first “cough up” and cough three times. In the habit of speaking habitually, “you are a little soldier today,” the trainees will know that they will soon leave training and go back to the bedroom to rest.

Like a few steps to go up, the line of sight sweeps the faces of the students from time to time, deliberately dragging and not knowing that there is good news to announce. At the beginning, the action was very scary to the students, thinking that they would be baptized by the storm, and they would find out after a long time.

After a few steps, the teacher behind him was standing still, and he coughed a few times. Some students, such as Xu Wen, couldn’t help but bend.

Hahaha, hahaha, good deed, great thing!

It is very likely that you will not train tonight! !

Tomorrow’s entrance exam, and then the seniors will be going to start the graduation party. The school will definitely want the juniors to relax with the seniors!

Xu Wen thought that she could go to bed early to sleep tonight. She could wake up in the middle of the night and be awakened by the whistle. She completed the collection within three minutes, but she did not laugh out loud.

“Tomorrow’s junior high school students take the exam, look at your hard work for a few months, the school decided to organize tonight…” Seeing the faculty members to promote good news, the result deliberately came to a pause, Rao is how the students calm down It was also greeted by the instructor.

Organization tonight… What are you doing? That is to say!

Xu Wen blinked and was anxious.

“Xu Wen, what do you think? Eyes are smashed into bulls’ eyes, don’t worry, then you can’t change your big eyes.” The teacher suddenly named, Xu Wen sighed in a hurry, and quickly “reported” to answer what he did not think, Sweat in the eyes of the sweat.

The teacher smiled at her and obviously did not believe it.

A row of training not far away suddenly burst into a surprise, followed by a row of surprises. Obviously, their faculty announced the good news.

Ye simply saw a glimpse of the fascination on the face of the faculty in a row. He also thought about preemptively saying that the result was robbed by other platoons.

“Looking at your hard work for a few months, the school decided to organize an open-air movie tonight, and then gather back to the bedroom after the movie.”

Finally, the instructors no longer deliberately dragged and promoted the good news tonight.

The class is boiling instantly!

Isn’t that great news!

If you have a movie, you can go back to the bedroom to rest after watching the movie, and prepare your spirit for the tomorrow exam.

Juniors and seniors are happy to watch a movie tonight. As for what movies will be played tonight, I really didn’t want to ask in the past.

“Documentary film, anti-war film” is the main film of the open-air movie, other films do not have to think about it, do not have to ask.

Watching movies is secondary, mainly to rest well tonight!

The whole training ground is boiling. The seniors and juniors are able to watch the open-air movies tonight. As for the freshman and sophomore students, they still have to run three kilometers after watching the movie. Even so, then Excited.

“Teacher, what movie? The martial arts film? The anti-war film? The documentary?” The freshmen did not understand the rules, but instead lost the basic judgment and asked out loud.

“As long as it is a movie, look at it, don’t pick it!”

Some students also rushed to open their mouths, fearing that the instructors were unhappy, with a big hand, and the film canceled all training.

(End of this chapter)

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