Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4411 - Expressed confession

Chapter 4411 is confession

Several of the students in the class grinned and whispered: “It’s another message for you, a total of five people, five guestbooks. When you sign up directly to the lab, we take the first step.”

“Don’t wait, wait for me.” Ye Jian is willing to let the students in the class take the first step. She and the unfamiliar brothers talk face to face, very embarrassing!

Just like the graduation message book that I have just received from my brothers and sisters, if the classmates are not standing by the class, they will talk to the brothers and sisters. She is afraid that she will pretend not to see and escape.

Now I have come across again, in order to avoid embarrassment and uncomfort, where will she let them go.

“This is not the same, please believe that our departure is better for you.”

A male student solemnly said, and meaningfully looked down on the handsome brother, hey, the brother’s face value is placed in the heap of the National University of Science and Technology, is absolutely a proud school level, thief handsome!

“you guys……”

Ye Jian tried to stay, but I couldn’t stand the heart of the class’s eagerness to leave. I really left Ye Jian alone to face the oncoming brother… I left.

This time, it is really different.

Ye Jian was confessed.


In the third year of the National Science and Technology University, she also received the love letter, but she did not touch the road and was confessed. At one time, Ye Jian was somewhat overwhelmed.

Just a few seconds later, Ye Jian quickly stabilized, very sorry to laugh: “Sorry, brother, you are not a person. I have an experiment, sorry.”

“I wish the brothers a bright future and a smooth ride.”

Later, Ye Jian was slightly owed and left.

At the end of the crossroad, there was a slender figure standing behind the tree, his eyes slightly tightened, and the whole process was confessed and rejected.

The brothers who stayed at the grass-level level of the school stayed in the same place with the love letters that were handed out but were not accepted. They have not returned to God for a long time.

The other brothers who took along took a silent shot of his shoulder and sighed: “The flower is intentional, the water is ruthless. Not your dish, you, don’t eat it, if you eat it hard, you may have trouble.”

“Yes, that’s right. You see that it’s confession now. I don’t have a regret. No, at least let Ye Jianshi know that you like him, but she doesn’t like you.”

“Think about other brothers who secretly love Ye Jianshi’s brothers. They don’t even have a chance to confess. You, contentment.”

The handsome brother was very sad. As a result, he was “squeezed” by several brothers around him. He said, “Oh, OK, I said that I really earned. A group of unconscionable things.”

“We still have no conscience? June snow! Not a few brothers encouraged you last night, looking for an opportunity to confess to Ye Jianshi, your kid is still secretly loved.”

“I have to thank you guys?”

“Of course, thank you, I bet you must be the first to stop the confession, contentment brother, she must remember you!”

“Go and go, just remember what is the use? Didn’t accept me? But Ye Jianshi sister is very funny, she said that I am a non-person… Don’t you think it is cute?”

“Wipe, Xi Shi in the eyes of the lover, but it is very cute. I always thought that she should be very serious, like an iceberg, I didn’t expect it to be pretty, oh… I rely on it, what do you do?”

A brother who failed to express his confession, a black tiger, smacked his brother, and warned: “It is you who are playing, warning you not to think.”

“Hahaha, do you want to laugh at the dead brothers? You are not good enough to protect, but also jealous. Walk around, confession failure, the last important thing before leaving school, you can graduate!”

(End of this chapter)

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