Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4414 - Both husband and wife return home

Chapter 4414, husband and wife both return home

Off-campus training has always been a thankless thing. There are always a few thorns that will jump out to make trouble. With the temper of his little fox, it’s estimated that one eye is closed for two times, and the third time is straight. Clean up in the hustle and bustle.

She has always belonged to either arbitrarily or ruthlessly. There are many rules and regulations outside the school, and there are many restrictions.

It is convenient to carry out training in the school. The cleaning must be cleaned up. The purpose of military training before entering the school is to grind the temper, go to the corner, obey the order, strictly observe the discipline, and understand what is the biggest difference between you and the ordinary college students.

Xia Jinyuan thought, nothing more than wanting to see Ye Jian went outside to be wronged.

Being wronged outside, sometimes because of the military uniforms, it is not good to find the scene back, can only digest a self-digestion.

The director of the department did not think so much. He thought that Xia Jinyuan had the idea of ​​transferring the training outside the school to the school. When he found another student with the position of Ye Jian, he could take all the vacations of Ye Jian.

Wen Yan said that the director smiled coldly and said: “Forty-five days of training outside the school, it is impossible to give you a day off.”

I did not ask Xia Jinyuan to take Ye Jian to where to train, mainly because he believed in Xia Jinyuan.

There is no doubt that Xia Jinyuan has another picture, so it is really fast. The guys in front of me are mixed, but reliable, not to talk.

He said that with Ye Jian went out to train, it was really brought out to train.

Xia Jinyuan raised his eyebrows and revealed the most sneer of the director’s headache. “That is simply free of training. You are looking for someone else to top. After forty-five days, Ye Jian reports back to school on time.”

The director angered again and patted the table and said: “Fart, you can say no training without training. Can you give her the master?”

Not to mention, he can really be the master of her, and knows that she knows her, and she certainly does not want to take training outside the school and cause trouble. But this is not easy for him to say directly to the director.

Not yet open, the director’s voice came cold. “Xia Jinyuan, you don’t break the future of Ye Jian’s students. There is a training evaluation among the outstanding students. The extra-school training can better reflect her ability. She must have an off-campus belt. Training experience.”

Xia Jinyuan stunned for a while, and said: “When is there such a rule? Why didn’t I have it?”

“Do you calculate that you are more than a few of Ye Jian? You also did not mention how you mixed up in the past?” The director did not give him a good look, picked up the teacup and smashed a few mouthfuls of tea.

This kid, even if he graduated for many years to the rank of lieutenant colonel, he can still pour him down.

When I talked about this, Xia Jinyuan knew that Ye Jian’s training outside the school could not be changed. Hey, he could only accept it.

It’s just time, he has to fight for it.

Finally, Ye Jian needs to be trained for two weeks. It is also necessary to go to the training school one day in advance to understand the situation. Hey, it takes 15 days.

Forty-five days of vacation minus 15 days, one month, enough!

Ye Jian, who was still in the lab, didn’t know that she had been divided up for the 45-day holiday, but she had no opinion at all.

I thought about going to the snow field brigade training before, but now I can really pass her.

Just in the summer, such as Xia Jinyuan, Ye Jian came out of the laboratory. One of the school’s middle-aged men wearing a briefcase and wearing a public security uniform went to the taxi, and ran to the off-campus stop to explain.

He is in a hurry to come to the National Science and Technology University to find Ye Jian and present valid documents.

(End of this chapter)

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