Chapter 4417 Who are you?

The only connection between Cai and Ye Jian is Sun Xueqing’s martyrs. Now the reason for the true sacrifice of Sun Xueqing’s martyrs has been investigated. The Cai Bureau, who is a comrade-in-arms, also knows why he has come because the matter has been resolved.

From the moment I knew Cai, Xia Jinyuan had been guessing why Cai Cai came.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to think about it, but that Cai’s wait in the process is anxious, his speech rate is slightly faster, and he looks at the lab from time to time. He understands that he is very anxious to find Ye Jian, and there are quite important things to tell Ye Jian.

Now, he has revealed enough information, depending on whether the Cai Bureau believes him.

The Cai Bureau really didn’t believe it.

He now knows that the relationship between Lieutenant Colonel Xia and Ye Jian is very different. He also knows that Ye Jian trusts him very much, but I am sorry that he told Ye Jian that it is very important. Even if Chen personally entrusted Ye Jian to him, he would not Will fully trust.

People, the most difficult to understand!

“Don’t worry, Xiaoye should come out soon, wait for her to come out and say.” Cai responded with a smile and invited Xia Jinyuan to sit down with him. “Sit, Xiaoye comes out and we talk together.”

Wen Yan, Xia Jinyuan took a deep breath and had to speak again. “The reason why the military knows the sacrifice of Sun Xueqing’s martyrs is that I am reporting to the military. If you don’t trust me, or you have doubts, you can ask me. I will answer them one by one.”

“Ye Jian is the most important person in my life. I want to know if she has any problem. If she has any difficulties, I want to solve it for her. Cai, please tell me why you came.”

It is worthy of being a comrade-in-arms of the mother-in-law, the old soldier, and he is admired by the high degree of prudence.

The Cai Bureau’s twilight changed. “Who are you in the leaflet?”

Just ask!

Xia Jinyuan calmly replied, “People who will spend the rest of their lives, lovers, friends, and comrades-in-arms.”

Lovers, friends, comrades-in-arms…that is Xiaoye’s boyfriend.

“Your name is Xia, but the rank of lieutenant colonel can be directly reported to the military department…” The sharp-eyed Cai Bureau once again looked at the young lieutenant colonel, summer…summer…investigate the red plum sacrifice, the highest general of the military, Xia Zong The commander had personally interviewed him and contacted him many times. Both of them were named “Summer”…

“The commander of Amoi Summer is the father.”

The Cai Bureau was shocked, and the string of “strings” stretched out for a moment. “Someone found me and asked about the deeds of Hongmei. I tried to know that they actually came for Ye Jian.”

No more concealment, Cai Bureau will say what he said in a word.

“Not only find me, but also find some of our comrades-in-arms, are asking whether there are still descendants in Hongmei. Li Chuhaifu Fuxi, Hongmei Shen Zhao Zhaoxue, why would anyone still inquire about the story of Hongmei’s life? Why do you want to inquire about Hongmei? There are future generations?”

“Who are these people, and why do they find the bottom? These things, we must figure it out.”

The atmosphere inside the pavilion has once again become depressed and more solemn and solemn.

The night wind in the middle of the night was a bit cool, and the sweltering heat of Xiangcheng after the rain was still not exhausted. Around the frogs can be heard, the summer night is not quiet, even the night worms seem to be a little bit swaying.

At this time, Xia Jinyuan’s face was chilled, and the elegant and elegant facial features were covered with frost, and even the breath was frosty.

Silence will be a little bit, he said: “Some people know why Li Chuhai is in trouble, and do everything possible to find out who is going to escape the fate of Li Chuhai, who had escaped the sanctions.”

Leprechauns, come and come together to understand the tenosynovitis. May is not dedicated because… I typed my fingers and it was painful and painful…

(End of this chapter)

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