Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4425 - Jealous lieutenant colonel

Chapter 4425, the jealous lieutenant colonel

After the gust of wind, the rainstorm came, the rain of the bean was down, and it was urgent and fierce. Xia Jinyuan did not answer Ye Jian. The rain had already reached the face. The first time I took the hand of Ye Jian and ran back to the foreign guest building. .

The 50-step distance runs for a minute, and so is the two, the shoulders are wet.

Wiping off the rain on his face, Xia Jinyuan trimmed his eyebrows and smiled. “Even the gods are standing in one place, the rainstorm is coming, how do you get back to the bedroom?”

There is still a little distance from the bedroom, the rain is too big, there is no way to block the heavy rain.

Ye Jian also laughed together, the beauty under the lamp, the eyebrows into the painting, the slightest moment between the lips and the flowers, “The rain is big, I have to go back to the bedroom. The summer team still talks about normal things.”

The kiss just was a bit intense, the red color of the lips was red and the red cherry blossoms were waiting for the rain. The rain was stained with the lips, and the **** was getting more and more attractive. The man standing opposite her was unknowingly faint and dull. Come down.

He looked at his own kissed red lips, like a prey, full of possessiveness, slender fingers and snoring in the dark, from the depths of the heart can not be suppressed.

Instead, the more pressure, the greater the rebound, the overflow of limbs, and straight into the brain.

It’s really life!

Xia Jinyuan has a heavy “call” for export gas. At this moment, the turbidity of the air is hot. “You will go to the Xinjiang Live Training with you during the summer vacation. You and the men who have not performed the task for two years, are a group. We are a group of veterans. Both sides are hostile to complete live-fire training.”

Sure enough!

“That’s great! I thought before I could train with my teammates. I was afraid that I couldn’t participate because of the extra-curricular training.” Ye Jian’s eyes were bright, and they were illuminated by the light and shining into the bright eyes. You can clearly reflect the figure of Xia Jinyuan.

“Then I don’t have to train outside the school to solve my biggest headache at the moment.”

I am so happy that I have forgotten how long it will take to complete the training together.

“It was originally planned to return to the brigade for the summer of the 45th day. The director refused…”

He spoke, and the brightness in Ye Jian’s eyes gradually faded down. Even the smile on the corner of his mouth was a little less joyful. Xia Jinyin could not bear to destroy her mood, but still have to say, “The director refused, you have to You can complete the training outside the school. Therefore, your time is divided into two sections. 30 days to the brigade training, 15 days outside the school.

“Oh, I know that there is no way to refuse to take training outside the school, but also innocent fantasy can refuse.” Ye Jian smiled helplessly. “No way, I have to accept.”

“But I am still very happy. I have been able to go out for training for at least 30 days. I have not trained with my comrades for a long time. I am worried that I will not catch up with them and I will not be able to catch up with my comrades.”

Even if she finishes training at school every day, she still fears that she will be separated from her comrades. After all, the training of military school students and the training of special forces are far from each other.

“The distance is normal. When you have time to practice, catch the distance, I believe you can do it.”

Xia Jinyuan is also very helpless. How do you feel that your charm is not as good as a training?

The rain was so fierce that even the corridors were raining, and the ground was suddenly wet. The helpless summer school took her to the inside and took a few steps. Finally, she couldn’t help but raise her hand to play the lower forehead and laughed. Training the light from both eyes is brighter than seeing me, I have to be jealous with training.”

(End of this chapter)

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