Chapter 4427 Forever Time

If you are outside, Xia Jinyuan must have a joke. “I want to be wrong, in fact, you want to stay with me,” and the words are swallowed.

Can’t go on anymore, and then both will play with fire and self-immolation.

Now… the fire has already been ordered, only a little bit will be a fire.

The laughter stopped, and a “small fool” slammed into the room and took the umbrella.

To stop, we must stop, and the school should pay attention to it. If there is any rumor, he will be fine, and she will suffer.

Turned Xia Jinyuan’s fist pressed to the chest, and the gang helped her to bite her eyes for a few seconds. She was disappointed. He was disappointed and scratched.

Just looking at his back, Ye Jian, who didn’t see his expression, gently spit out his breath, patted his chest lightly, and looked afraid of a small look.

Just a little… She just said that she stayed with him, but he braked in time…

Pat the chest and pat the hot face, it is hot, like a high fever.

Moved two steps to pick up the rain and photographed the face, the cool rain sprayed the face, the hot cheeks finally have a cool sense, the coolness comes from the skin, and the brain is awake.

I haven’t waited for Xia Jinyuan to take the umbrella, and Ye Jian is completely awake.

Then she squatted a little, and inadvertently thought of a problem.

She needs to go to mid-July for a holiday. How can the summer team come to look for her now? Can she stay until she finishes her exam and take her to the territory?

Or is there something else?

I will ask, as long as it has nothing to do with the task, he will tell her.

The rain hit the stretched army green umbrella, and the rain between the ribs gathered into the line and rushed down. The two people in the rainstorm only got a few minutes of wet pants.

Ye Jian asked the question she had just thought of. She thought that Xia Jinyuan would be very quick and could easily answer herself.

Then, as she asked, the man’s breath was obviously dimmed, and there was a bit of chill. The chill came to Ye Jian and let her heart sink suddenly.

“The day after tomorrow, I will go to J5’s home to visit the two old people, and then return to Beijing to worship the brothers…”

In the heavy rain, his voice is very heavy and heavy, such as falling iron, cold and firm, with a rusty rust.

The leaves of the heart cramps tightened the corners of the mouth.


Her comrade-in-arms will always sleep in the cold and dark underground. After that, I will never see his smile again, and I can’t hear his voice…

“I haven’t talked to him for a long time. I have to spend time with me and I will accompany my drink. He likes to drink homemade rice wine. I will go to his house and go to see him.”

Even if J5 sacrificed for nearly two years, he said that Xia Jinyuan’s eyes still have **** stagnation, and he often dreams of the time when the two men fought side by side.

In the blink of an eye, his good brothers and good comrades left them for almost two years.

This time, I came back with a letter from the brothers to J5. I used to burn it to him in the past. The news came to be a paper money… I have to let him know that since he left, the brothers always think of him, even during training. He will habitually call him.

His bed is also reserved. Every day, he cleans, puts his bed back, adds water and meals… Only in this way, they feel that their good brother has never left and has been in the team.

“I want to write a letter to J5. When I help him to burn it for me, I have to say something for me…” The mood was heavy, and even Jane, whose voice choked down, said slowly, every word was extremely difficult.

Xia Jinyuan squirmed, “good…” Very light and light response, already sad.

Happy Children’s Day, Children’s Fairy.

The annual height is approaching, and the little goblins who wish the college entrance examination in advance are great and great, all of them are admitted to the favorite university!

(End of this chapter)

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