Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4432 - Have a high trick

Chapter 4432 has a high trick

Fujun Town, located in the southern province, has a bright weather, and the heavy rains in Xiangcheng are still the same. The former National University students who were able to rest were urgently gathered at five in the morning, and then a truck was towed to all corners of the city to work on diversion and diversion.

Since Cai’s original plan entered the National University of Science and Technology, he simply left Ye Jian’s training and left in the morning. He knew that when he found the instructor here, he knew that Ye Jian’s emergency set at 5 am early to prevent water diversion, and the return time was unknown.

In this way, Cai Bureau can only regret leaving.

“Ye Jian is very good. It has always been a role model for our school. Before we thought that Ye Jian was a hard-working student in the late stage. Last night, I heard that the Cai Bureau mentioned Ye Jian’s mother. We only knew that it was hereditary.”

“There is an excellent mother who has an excellent daughter, but unfortunately…”

What a pity?

The faculty did not say that Cai Bureau himself knew what it was a pity.

It is a pity that Hongmei died too early and could not teach Ye Jian personally, otherwise it should be better.

If he does not need to be pity, it is a pity that Hongmei died prematurely. However, for Xiaoye, there is no reason for Hongmei to leave early and the talent is buried.

On the contrary, she was trained by a first-class sergeant and a world-class gun king. Although she was suffering all the way, she had already reached the peak that her peers could not reach.

What a pity?

It is a pity for anyone to leave early, including Ye Jian, who is a daughter, who does not enjoy maternal love.

Then, just because Ye Jian can still be more powerful, it is a pity.

Cai Bureau did not tell the truth, but said with emotion: “Fortunately, the genetics are strong, and the child has not been allowed to grow up. Thanks to the careful education of you and the military academy, there is a small leaf today. Her mother knows it, must be Happy.”

“With such a good daughter, any elders in the family will be gratified. Ye Jian can go to today, can not do without her own efforts, she, the future achievements will be the height we can not imagine now, the future is limitless.”

The faculty members felt that Ye Jian was the most outstanding student he was most satisfied with. The elders who accompanied the outstanding students chatted and felt that they were very enjoyable.

While chatting, I went outside the school until I got a taxi instructor and turned away.

At this time, Li Laozi, who was far away from Beijing, was tempered by the phone and trembled with the microphone. He was in the study room. In addition to him, there was only one old maid at the door. The door was closed and the old servant did not know what was going on inside.

“The archives of women’s participation in the army all over the 16th year of Fujun Town were all transferred out, including the personnel files. All the people who were transferred did not find “Hongmei”. The men who provided the information also confirmed that there was no red plum in all the files.”

“The most news of the Anyang City Martyrs Cemetery, there are no female soldiers who died 16 years ago in the cemetery. The entire cemetery checked all the tombstones last night, confirming that there is no “red plum” we need to find, and…”

The old man, who had shaken his hand, didn’t know that he even had a slanting side to his mouth. He breathed a “snoring and snoring” voice. He asked, “What else…”

Haze, cold, there is no kindness of the old man, like a poisonous snake that has been hiding in the damp and wet land. The whole body exudes a dark atmosphere that decays to make people vomit.

The person on the other side of the phone lowered his head and some did not dare to answer.

Father Li chased after the question, and the voice sank to make the person at the end of the phone afraid of a direct attack. “What else, say!”

(End of this chapter)

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