Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4440 - Stay with you all the way

Chapter 4440, accompanying you all the way

As the torrential rains grew, the residents of the Xiangjiang River in the distance began to transfer rain, and the village cadres commanded one by one to send the trucks of the juniors.

They went to safety and Ye Jian went to the danger zone.

Xia Jinyuan, who jumped off the bus, quickly found a girlfriend who was put into flood fighting and rescue. In such a heavy rainstorm, Xia Jinyuan did not spend much time in the uniforms. In a stride, he raised his hand and held it in the leaves. The sandbag above the shoulder.

Ye Jian, Song Zhiqiu and other outstanding students in the class were the first to pick up sandbags. She walked fast with the sandbags. Suddenly she felt the weight was light. She thought that the sandbag was leaking and she was preparing to put down the inspection. In the torrential rain that hurts my face, there is a calm voice that is more constant than the ancient ones. “It is me.”

It is me, I am with you tonight.

Ye Jianxin sighed tightly, she did not look back, because his help weight was reduced, and the walking speed increased.

Her summer team came to accompany her again…

With him, what is the storm!

Ye Jianshao sandbags, Xia Jinyuan also smashed sandbags. He was always in the mud and he was always behind the leaves. He saw a bag of sandbags from his girlfriend. As a boyfriend, he didn’t feel bad.

Therefore, after he was behind Ye Jian, Ye Jian was on the sandbag, and he shouldered the sandbag with one shoulder, and at the same time extended his hand to lift the sandbag on his girlfriend’s shoulder. In this way, he silently supported and silently guarded the leaf. simple.

If there are lovers together, even if they are tired and tired, they will not complain. Every time Ye Jian picks up the sandbag and the weight is suddenly reduced, she knows that her man once again stretched out a strong and powerful arm. His way to care for himself.

“Don’t make a shoulder, take turns to change it! One-handedly clasped the waist, and relied on the waist to relieve shoulder weight.”

Xia Jinyuan, who was carrying a sandbag, whispered, and his hand held the sandbag firmly, and his arm was like a mountain for the leaves.

Put on camouflage, Xia Jinyuan, wearing a heavy raincoat, mixed into the command class without a trace of abruptness, so many students come and go, all of them have to pay attention to the sandbags did not pay attention to this mixed young lieutenant colonel.

Even Xu Wen and He Jing were no exception. The two even passed them a few times. They did not find that the tall figure who had been quietly giving Ye Jian a hand was not a classmate.

Influenced by Xia Jinjin, the male students in the class also acted silently. Liu Yang even shot the shoulders of Xia Jinyuan from the side while Xia Jinyuan put down the sandbags. His face was brown and muddy. He whispered: “Brother, Very conscious! Good! But how do you help the old Jane, is it also on the leaf?”

I also put down the sandbags in front, and turned and just heard Liu Yang’s jokes, Ye Jianxiao, coming over. “Working, Comrade Liu! More than 10,000 ready-made sandbags, and 5,000 sandbags to be sent, you want to be with Xiangjiang tonight. Do you have a total of sleep and listen to the sound of the wind and the thunder? Chatting and talking can be a bag.”

Xia Jinyuan noticed that the male student used a “again” character, which shows that his girlfriend is not generally popular in military schools with fewer males and fewer females.

Liu Yang didn’t think that he was so whispered and heard by Ye Jian. “嘿嘿” smiled, and wiped his face with the rain, and ran away like a monkey.

Ye Jian smiled and said: “He, I like to make jokes, don’t listen to him.”

(End of this chapter)

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