Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4450 - Encourage (high school entrance smoothly)

Chapter 4450 provokes (the college entrance examination smoothly)

From a remote mountainous area… How can a child know her? Still… Qin’s face is a bit ugly.

On that day, she denied that she had no relationship. Her son would not understand her?

Looking at the good relationship, actually cold to the bones, why have you seen him chasing a girl behind? If you are aware of it, you will be able to lower your body.

As a result, it turned out to be such a birth!

Qin mother, who also wore a dark blue luxury bag in her hand, took the handle to her elbow and said: “It turns out, no wonder it is not very common.”

“I have only seen it once, but Qin Xiu knows her. The relationship should be good. Since you also know that I am going with me, I would like to ask if Qin Xiu has contacted her recently.”

The poor mountains and the bad waters came out to the public. That day, she was thinking about Qin Xiu’s various kinds of things… Now it is rude!

Du Jiayi thought that only Qin mother knew Ye Jian, but unexpectedly heard that Qin Xiu and Ye Jian had a good relationship. At that moment, Du Jiayi only felt that his head was detonated like a bomb, and the inside was “squeaky”.

The heart is falling into the deep valley for a moment, and the coolness starts from the soles of the feet…

She tried her best to finally squeeze out a smile and answer Qin mother. “Okay, I will accompany you.”

Ye Jian… Ye Jian, this kind of woman, actually knows Qin Xiu?

The relationship between the two is still very good?

Why… She never knew why she never listened to Qin Xiu? Why didn’t she even receive a little wind!

What tricks did she make and what tricks were close to Qin Xiu, and the relationship was very good!

Xia Jinyuan, Li Lannian, Qin Xiu… What is the best in the grandson of Jingli?


In order to climb the high door, she is really… it’s really hard work!

Du Jiayi felt the threat in a flash, and the terrible intuition of the woman told her that the relationship between Ye Jian and Qin Xiu is not an ordinary “good relationship.”

Because Qin Xiu did not take the initiative to make a good relationship with any woman, she never had a good relationship in her work and life, and kept a distance with them. She was cold and polite and never approached a woman.

Even the aunt knows that he has a good relationship with Ye Jian.

Zhizi Mo Ruomu, Aunt must also know something she doesn’t know, otherwise how would she go to Ye Jian specifically to ask if Qin Xiu has contacted her recently?

Qin Xiulian did not contact her Du Jiayi! !

Du Jiayi, who was burning in her heart, has become very dull in walking. It is not easy for her to keep a dignified smile on her face, and she can’t do it in any way.

The figure in front of the uniform is always carrying them. She seems to be laughing. From the back, she can see that she is very relaxed. It seems that she is very happy to chat with people on the phone.

Who is the person who is chatting with her?

Qin Xiu?

Du Jiayi couldn’t help but think more and more close to Ye Jian, and the line of sight that fell to Ye Jian’s back was getting colder and colder. Qin’s eyes only paid attention to Ye Jian, and did not pay attention to the future daughter-in-law’s expression. More gloomy.

Ye Jian turned around, she had to turn around, and the sight of the enemy coming down was as deep as a knife. She didn’t turn around and was really worried about whether she would be put on a knife by a real knife.

Turning around and seeing the two men coming towards themselves, the brows were slightly twisted.

Qin Xiu’s mother and Du Jiayi, how can they meet them at the airport and go straight to themselves?

I glanced around and confirmed that Ye Jian, who was really coming to her side, did not want to have any communication with them.

Tomorrow’s college entrance examination, the young goblins of the third year are all going to sleep early, don’t wait to update tonight, because the early morning update wood, wood, wood has…

Have a rest early, Qingyun is now crawling to sleep

(End of this chapter)

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