Chapter 4463

Qin Ying finally found a photo taken at the airport tonight from a pile of photos, and sent it directly to Qin Xiu. “My sister walked through the rivers and lakes, and there were slaps in the three religions, Wen Ya? Waiting for the man to find the man to come again and again.” ”

“Give you a photo, you like a class. Good to see, really want us to find a way to get her personal information. Qin Xiu, you can not be bad with me, otherwise, my sister’s sin is too big.”

Qin Xiu turned his eyes to twenty-nine years old. The tree grows well, but it doesn’t mean flowers. Qin Sakura doesn’t say that he is still anxious. She is really afraid that Qin Xiu will be influenced by herself, and she will not be married.

In these years, she has traveled all over the world, and she has been paying attention to whether there are girls who Qin Xiu loves. Who knows that to pick up the machine tonight, it is so inadvertently encountered.

Qin Xiu didn’t want to look at the photos. He said: “You have a man in your heart. I have a girl in my heart. Hanging up, I need to sort out a few documents.”


The amount of information is a bit big, Qin Ying blinked her eyes, she never heard Qin Xiu say that he has a girl he likes…

“Look and hang! I can’t wait for you for a minute.”

Although I like girls, watching a photo can’t stop anything.

Although the two brothers and sisters are not common, they often keep in touch. The brothers and sisters have deep feelings. Seeing this, the frowning Qin Xiu dragged the video frame away from the dialog box, and a military green figure couldn’t help but break into his eyes. Hit the heart.

The heartbeat is moving, some quick, a little anxious, and there are many surprises.

Just need a glance, really only a glance, Qin Xiu already knows who the figure is in the photo.

Too sudden, Qin Xiu did not have time to control facial expressions, so that Qin Sakura at the end of the video was clear, and could not help but say: “How do you tell me your expression, I have no intention of taking pictures of my future brothers and sisters? Not so magical. !”

“Well, it is her.”

Qin Xiu did not conceal, and he admitted with great compliments that “it is amazing, and magic makes me very helpless.”

Obviously, there is no fate, but it can be biased… The eyes of the lingering lingering in the dreams of the past, and then falling to the side of the face, Qin Xiu close to the computer screen, Qing Jun’s elegant look is very focused, “I did not expect you to meet I will also take a picture of her.”

Qin Ying: “…”

She wants to swear now!

The man she likes has not found it for five years. She took a photo of her girl and took pictures of her favorite girl. Oh, hehe… Mom!

Still can’t help but burst.

Qin Xiu’s line of sight shifted from the photo of Ye Jian, and through the lens, he smashed the swearing Qin Ying. “Qin Ying, are you still doing a sex-change surgery?”

“Think, I have been going to chase her after a sex-change operation. Where are you going to cool down?” Qin Ying Liang Liang finished, and he was stunned again and later, his face was smiling slowly, and he was like a picture in the painting. Dear brother, mother, heart!


After the cold, Qin Ying interrupted the video.

Her man will continue to look for it, and hope that her brother will be able to hold the beauty.

The night was deep, and the window was no longer trafficked. The car flew past, leaving only a bunch of smattered taillights, which was already at 10 o’clock in the evening.

At 10:30, the plane from Xiangcheng to Landi arrived at Landsea Airport on time. In the plane, Ye Jian also left the plane together and re-boarded after about half an hour.

When I turned on the phone, I quickly received a text message from Xia Jinyuan, reminding her that she had sent a text message to him. The leafy smile of the leaf was immediately back to the text message, “On time to arrive in the land.”

Society, my sister Qin Xia, I have a lot of people.

Qin Ying is definitely not like Li Lannian, Xia Jinyin, spoiler: the guy of the Snowy Brigade, and then the spoiler society, my identity as Qin Yingjie is a photographer, photo camouflage man, half face blood, come and come, guess what Qin Ying sister is in What kind of place took this picture?

(End of this chapter)

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