Chapter 4487 is missing

It is also difficult to focus on the veterans now. The special police have to re-arrange the deployment of the war. The best solution is to solve all the hidden dangers in the A combat area, and then drive to catch up.

Xia Jinyuan couldn’t immediately lead the team to catch up with Ye Jian, the three of them. They have to leave. The special police are all going to re-rule the battle deployment. This will waste manpower and material resources, and will make the entire battle plan fail.

You can only cooperate with the special police to complete the operation in Area A, and then drive to catch up. If the time is delayed for too long, please help the Army Air.

The G3, K7 and other veterans who quickly separated the action all learned that the three of the Jade Birds were not in the combat area of ​​Area A, but continued to the farthest and most likely to leave the border.

Upon hearing the news, all the veterans’ faces changed completely. Xia Jinyuan, who was in contact with the veterans through separate satellite phones, said: “The three of them may not have been disguised as they entered the territory of the country, and they did not rule out having to enter the country with the same road. The possibility in the territory of Stan.”

The latest news from the North was reported to Major General Yang. In the office, Yang Shao, who was answering the phone, was so big that he almost broke the microphone. “Well, you are now assisting the special police to complete the battle. I am here to coordinate with the Army Air Force. After assisting the mission, you will immediately catch up with the three of them by helicopter. The military will contact the border guard posts to complete the interception!”

If you really want to enter the country of Jistan, the three people who don’t have any self-defense weapons will enter the tiger’s den and have no support. The dangerous system will soar directly and they will not be allowed to move on. They must stop.

But there is still another problem. When the three special forces choose to continue to follow the extremists into the territory of Jistan under conditions of escaping…

Yang Shao, who finished the call, has some uncertainties. If this is the case, it is obvious that the three people must find clues that are closely related to the territory of China. At that time, will the border guards and soldiers complete the interception?

Yang, who has dialed half of the phone, slowly deducted the microphone and contacted Xia Jinyuan again and confessed the problems he had just analyzed.

Xia Jinyuan, who is still in the maneuver, is silent a little, and his eyes are as sharp as a blade. “If this is the case, our border defenses do not have to complete the interception, or even let the water pass. The three first entered the territory of the country and inquired about the news. Then I Bring troops into the army and remove all the uncertainties that undermine the stability of our borders!”

That will be another battle abroad.

Major Yang will nod and think about it: “I, the approval will be issued immediately. You will first assist the special police to complete the operations in various regions!”


A maneuver of going abroad will be decided in the last response of Xia Jinyuan.

The battlefield changes instantly, and even if there is no leakage, there may be a change.

If all the arrangements are clearly arranged in this operation, the positioning will be changed again, which will require the arrangement of follow-up operations.

Major General Yang has been moving very fast. He first got in touch with the Army Air Corps and then contacted the various border guard posts. He was in contact with the nearest Jistan border checkpoint. Major Yang learned an important news.

The herdsmen on the border were missing four days ago. The family belonged to the officers and men of the sentinel at 3 pm yesterday. The sentinel sent soldiers into the Tianshan Mountains to find four missing herders.

The border disappeared and the airport was kidnapped to the border… If the four missing herders were also kidnapped by extreme criminals into the territory of the country of Kyrgyzstan?

If the three kidnapped special forces found out that they had to enter the territory of the country of Genstan?

I saw it in the early morning…

(End of this chapter)

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