Chapter 4491 is scared

The leaf that was screwed out to other places was rushed out of the front and made a gesture to the weaver and the white crane, indicating that the soldiers would not move, and then she would touch the situation again.

She was taken away alone, and the tweaks that were darkened by the twilight could not help but walk forward.

The white crane pressed the weaving wrist, “Don’t move. Just touch it.”

“She is separated from us, don’t worry about it!” The weaver is anxious, the three people have been together fortunately, and now the bluebird is separated separately. He is very worried that if the Jade Bird is in trouble, they can’t get support in time.

The white crane bowed his head and whispered, “They want to use her to marry us. As long as we listen, she won’t have anything.”

These people thought that the three people who had been kidnapped could not understand what they said. They never thought about avoiding each time they communicated. It was very convenient for the white crane to keep knowing useful news, including why they separated the bluebird separately.

This is only a little reassuring.

The leaf that was screwed out alone, stared at the starlight, and recorded it in the village. After about fifteen minutes, she was taken to a small yard and then pushed to an earthen house with iron gates.

The iron door opened with a bang, and when Ye Jian had not entered, he heard a few screams from the inside, and the screams of the young girl full of horror.

The leaves tied with their hands are awkward. In addition to the three of them being tied up, is it difficult for Chinese tourists to be tied to the Kyrgyz State?

“Go in!”

Pushing the back, Ye Jian headed into the earthen house with no sunlight and all the darkness.

The iron gate was closed again and again, and the leaf was fixed for a while before it was adapted to the darkness of the earthen house. It was not all black. The top of the earthen wall opened a small window that only children could crawl. The sunlight was reflected from the small window. Casting a trapezoidal light port, this small light port gives the dark earth room a glimmer of light, so that Ye Jian can see the situation inside the house.

In addition to her, there are several young girls of sixteen and seven years old, with big eyes and high noses.

They were very scared, their eyes were full of fear, and they saw Ye Jian come in and they huddled together.

I don’t know how long it has been closed. The room is filled with a vomiting scent, which is the smell of excrement.

Ye Jian wanted to approach six young girls, but she just took a step, and the six girls screamed again. When she reached Ye Jian, she did not move. Thinking about it, she uttered a very clear voice: “Don’t be afraid, Don’t be afraid, I am not a bad person, I am also a student who is caught by them. Can you understand me? Can we communicate?”

If it is not a Chinese tourist, then… I certainly can’t understand what she said.

She whispered, before the young girls did not speak, Ye Jane did not move, and did his best to release his goodwill.

These girls are stimulated, so they are so scared.

The line of sight glanced aside and found a black embroidered flower hat. This is a small hat that local girls love, six girls… seven flower hats…

Ye Jane slowly sat down, facing the shivering girls, and whispered, “Can you talk? I… kidnapped by them, what about you? Like me?”

The girls did not answer, and they were so scared that they couldn’t speak normally except screams.

Ye Jian, who had no way to collect useful information, stopped talking. He sat down and watched the girls quietly. They needed to calm down and ask questions later.

(End of this chapter)

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