Chapter 4506 is a polite

Foreign warfare will be quick and fast, not to mention the night attack or the strength of the special forces of the snowy brigade.

The weaving bird laughed on the 18th: “Yes, it is still the means of the Q King, but the progress of the months is so rapid that I and the Bluebird have never noticed that the three of you are close.”

This is really the case. Before Ye Jian saw a black shadow, although she knew that she was a comrade in the team, they also found her and the weaver and the white crane, and they took the opportunity to touch it.

Good skills and extremely hidden.

However, before the summer team clearly told her that the internship is about to perform the task, before that, it is necessary to pull to the Xinjiang training, and now directly to get started… The summer team is also relieved?

Soon, it is easy to know why Xia Jinyuan suddenly let the special forces of the “internship period” perform the task, and the reaction, speed and action are first-class!

What she did not know was that the combat trainers had already had a support operation in China.

The shouts of the two husbands and sisters of Sha Musha shocked the nearby criminals, especially the heads that had been hidden from the depths. When they heard the shouts outside, the head was so staggering that the Shashasha couples were stupid and sent people immediately. Come out and solve the three Chinese Han people who are mixed with him.

The hidden corner of the 18th reported their situation to all comrades through the public channel.

The special forces of the Snowy Brigade learned that the three of them had met with the weaver, the white crane, and the bluebird, and all had smiles on their faces.

Good luck, no need to deliberately look for the three comrades who were “hijacked”.

Xia Jinyuan indicated that he would give the wireless communicator to Ye Jian on the 26th. He needs to say a few words with Ye Jian, even if he listens to the sound.

The fierce battle started directly from the central village of the border village of Jistan. The white crane hit the first shot of the fierce battle. Even if it was a fake AK rifle, the first shot of his shot hit a criminal head and came to a “open door”.

Ye Jian took over the communicator in the first wave of fire on both sides.

“I am a blue bird.”

The clear voice was introduced into the ears of Xia Jinjin and also passed to the ears of all the comrades.

Xia Jinyuan listened to the familiar voice, and there was a shallow smile between the cold and the eyebrows. He and the Ye Jian had some distance from the village. They could not rely on communication.

Laughed: “Play well, don’t be too polite.”

“I didn’t intend to be polite, I have already solved two. I have to send a few brothers to come and become a blessing for a criminal couple. I accidentally touched their heads here, firepower…”

During the speech, the twenty-sixth shot of the warning for the leaf was broken and two criminals rushed in from the rear. His back rested on the back of Ye Jian, so that the leaf in the call was very clear to his back. Tight.

The first implementation of the mission of leaving the country made the second actual combat of the 26th somewhat nervous.

Despite the tension, the hands of the gun were very stable, but unlike the first time that the mission was to kill the enemy, Ye Jian, both arms were shaking after the gun was opened.

“It’s beautiful.” Ye Jian smiled and said something to the twenty-sixth, and then he said to Xia Jinyuan: “I have saved five girls from the Kingdom of Gistan. I am going to protect the north from the sheepfold. Only become.”

“Northward sheepfold, go right now.”

A slightly strange voice came, and Ye Jian knew that this was also a trainee in the team.

The courage of the Xia team is really… too big. How did the boss agree to let 30 trainees sneak into the territory of other countries?

Thirty interns and sixteen veterans, a total of forty-six people all sneaked into the small border villages in the territory of the country, Ye Jian inexplicably thought of the word “blood wash”.

(End of this chapter)

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