Chapter 4512 Closing

However, they must control the firepower and provide opportunities for the violent comrades in front of them. There is no choice but to do so!

“Okay, give it to us. Beware.”

The cold and cold female voice came out of everyone’s ears, without dissuasion, only cover.

The weavers handed their lives to the hands of their comrades, and the comrades who covered him leap forward must be well guarded. On the battlefield, they are all comrades who can entrust each other’s lives.

The ultra-criminal elements of the Jistan country hiding on the wall have stunned their eyes. They don’t know who these people are diving into the village. They have been living here for half a year with the lords. Even the military of the Jistan State has not found them hiding. However, the three Chinese Han people who were tied tonight will have an accident.

The special forces who carried out the storm, including Xia Jinyuan, did not know who the chief of the extremely wrong criminals in the protected Kyrgyz State was. If they knew it, they would be shocked.

The head of the stealth here is the leader of the largest extremist group in the country of Gistan. He was forced to flee from the second largest city of the country of Gistan to the border between the country of Genstan and China at the border of the Jistan country six months ago, and planned to enter. The territory of the Chinese side.

Now, the hiding place is once again being smashed, and the momentum is even more ferocious than the last round of encirclement. The leader sitting in the house is not calm.

With the fire protection of various points, the weavers leaped forward, and several smoke bombs were thrown at the front door. In the cover of both smoke and fire suppression, the K7, G3, and Xia Jinyuan rushed out in a few seconds…

At the same time, on the 17th to hold the village, a black road was found passing through the eyes. He confirmed that it was not his own eyes. Some people did fly fast from the front.

“I found the situation, there are unknown targets, there are unknown targets… the direction is east.”

The entire combat area is the four major combat areas of the east, the west, the north and the north, while the eastern area is the location where the two geese and white cranes were previously held.

“Received, received, received by the Eastern District.”

The intern who was in charge of the Eastern District alert immediately replied, and the finger that had been placed on the trigger was gently tightened, and the sharp vision was staring around.


The explosion sounded, and in the skylight, Ye Jian heard the sound of the high wall screaming.

The storm attacked the Xia Jinyuan, G3, and K7 near the target building. The grenade was thrown into the high wall that had been difficult to attack. Three grenades were thrown at the same time. The power of the ground made the ground vibrate.

“Break the door!”


As the grenade detonated, several special forces rushed from the dark, breaking the door at the fastest speed and smashing all the remaining firepower.

The huge explosion caused the extremely unscrupulous elements who were still stubbornly resisting to look up. When they saw the explosion position, they made a roar that made the eyes look like they would come out.

It was the place where their chiefs lived, and the holy land that was blessed by God was now blown up! It was blown up!

“Kill them, you must kill them!”

“The warriors, rush out with me to kill them! Kill them all!”

The holy land was blown up and the remaining people were completely irrational and madly shot around.

A trainee slowly adjusted the sights until the red light hits the point. The line of sight passed through the sights and the face calmed down and pulled the trigger.

Another extremist was cleared, the bullet passed through the heart from the back, and then the chest broke out, and the extremists whose heart was crushed were no longer possible.

The extremists who tried to rush to the “Holy Land” fell one by one, the blood in the pungent smoke became thicker and thicker, and the chaos of the guns gradually weakened… The fierce battle has reached the final moment.

(End of this chapter)

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