Chapter 4515 Come with me

He and Ye Jian have been responsible for the break, and with the K7, G3 alternately cover the trainers who can completely retreat.

“Received.” E6 said faintly, his eyes fixed on the front and began to shoot the target of more than half of his head. The white crane hit the first shot of the fierce battle, and the E6 hit the last shot of the end of the battle.

The trigger was pulled, the bullet fired at the bottom, and the bullet fired from the gun dragged the fire tail, and the air outside was torn apart and split directly into the target.


Half of the head that emerged seemed to be flattened, and there was a faint **** spurt. The wind that had blown through the night blew to the nose of the E6. He continued to tighten and motionless as if he had melted into the night.

The last shot ended the small village on the border of the Kyrgyz State and finally recovered. Outside, the four herders who were rescued clung to the hands of the special forces who had been responsible for protecting them from the village. They were so excited that they could not say anything.

The wind from the Tianshan Mountains blew through the villages on the border of the country of Jistan, blowing away the smoke that enveloped the village, but could not blow the strong blood.

The evacuated special forces retreated from the village and cleaned up the extremists who were killed in the village.

The wind blew, and the cold stars in the sky were still flashing. As time passed, there was movement in the silent border village, and the villagers of the Jistan State slowly came out…

From the village to the first-line snowy brigade, the special forces saw the fire from the mountain. It was the oil that was poured on the hay. The fire had just been smashed and the fire was slammed, and the fire was burning. The range is very wide, and you can see the roof of the surrounding room on the top of the mountain.

“A fire is burning, the method is good.” T6 said with a smile, the channel can hear his voice.

V8 whispered: “You can’t stand still, and the chase is coming soon.”

It took three hours to return to the border from the village.

The players in the channel heard low laughter, and the number of trainers in the division was the loudest.

There is no more communication, and a group of 46 people will take the time to return home.

Forty-six special forces over the mountains crossed the steel bridge of the Uklsh River at 1:36 am. All the team members crossed the bridge at 1:38 am and arrived safely without human sacrifice.

The trainers of the 30 snowy battalions who stepped on their homeland felt that they were finally down to earth and did not feel lost when they went abroad.

Still have no rest and continue to move forward, until the border defense is coming, and Xia Jinyuan can make everyone sit down and rest.

There were no dormant maneuvers for three consecutive days and two nights. At this time, the special forces including the veterans had reached the limit. After sitting down, they did not want to get up.

Thirty trainers sat in one place, and sixteen veterans sat in one place. Ye Jian did not sit down immediately, but whispered to Xia Jinyuan: “Help me deal with the injury of the back, jump from the high wall and be walled.” The last sharp stone is drawn.”

Xia Jinyuan opened a miniature flashlight in his hand, and Junyan has changed color.

“Follow me.” He didn’t say anything else while biting the gang. He pulled up Ye Jian and walked away with one hand.

The cumbersome comrades did not pay much attention to it. Only the nearest E6 looked up and looked at the tightened hand. Although it was a bit weird, I didn’t think much.

The trainers rested, and most of the veterans’ sights were on their back and forth, and the veterans reminded them to deal with the bruises in time and not cause inflammation or swelling.

More or less the bruises, the veterans reminded them to self-inspect, and the places where they could not help the comrades to help and deal with each other.

I still want to write about the relationship announcement in one breath, it is really sleepy… announced tomorrow.

Good night, little friends.

(End of this chapter)

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