Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4527 - High sugar dog food two (monthly ticket i

Chapter 4527 High sugar dog food two (monthly ticket ing)

Xia Jinyuan took her to stand, and the black scorpion lifted up slightly and swept forward. He saw his comrades standing in the same position as his body, and his eyes stared straight at the two people. Obviously, he had not awakened from the shock.

It is estimated that some people are not clear enough.

Raised his hand toward Z7 and smiled: “Come here, come over.”

“Go, it’s your turn to come out, come on!” G3 immediately released the two men’s hands, while also pushing the Z7 back, revealing a kindly smile. “Don’t be afraid, you are not alone. “”

Z7 is crying.

His aging mother, Xia Jia Laoliu is successful, why is he afraid of him at the end?

They both talk about a love, why should they involve him?

Can’t you let him go quietly?

“If I didn’t make a mistake, then our captain and the bluebird are…this relationship.” On the 17th, the left hand, the left hand of the finger, gently slammed the right hand with the finger and matched it. “You can Kissing relationship.”

“No, it’s not like it! Why didn’t you listen to the veterans? Got it wrong.”

“I can say that when E6 ran, I thought he liked the blue bird. He saw the captain innocent and was very angry. He ran over to find the captain to settle the account.”

The head of the new special commander was successfully shelled.

“What do you think in your head? Don’t say anything to the captain, or you will look good.”

“Don’t be noisy, don’t make a noise, keep watching, the captain let the Z7 and K7 pass, what do you do? I feel that it will be more exciting next.”

“Let’s take a look, don’t leave a comment casually, it’s best to shut up!”

“Shut up, don’t say, think about the captain’s inhuman means!”

Thirty new special forces were in awe of the captain Xiazhong, and they were very silent and silent. They didn’t say a word.

Wonderful to continue, don’t miss it!

The hand-knit weaving bird and the white crane stood by the G3. If you looked back thoughtfully, the two people standing on the left and right turned to look at the G3 in the middle of the station. They said with a very positive tone: “You must Know what.”

“I know that you soon know, don’t talk, the wonderful is still behind. Some regret not bring the bag of seeds, or you can look at the seeds. That is a cool!”

G3 sighed and shook his head, no melons, and less fun.

Later T6 and V8 also came over and sighed in sigh, T6 said: “I don’t know if the three of them can live tonight, many years of comrades, we will remember to pack them up and go and walk decent.”

“There are blue birds, and the beasts will become cats. They can’t do big things, and the most training tasks are aggravated.”

“Yes, I am worried.”

“Wonderful coming, fast, hold your breath, shut up!”

Z7 came to the middle school of Xiazhong. He still didn’t say anything. Xia Jinyuan first smiled and said, “My old father? Jade Bird, daughter?”

“I am wrong, I admit mistakes, I am very sincere to admit mistakes!” What is the bones, if it is for survival, the bones can be thrown, Z7 in order to survive, the bones are lost!

Xia Jinyuan gave a smile that made him creepy, and turned his head to look at K7. He looked up and down a few times and sighed: “I didn’t expect our military doctor to be the ultimate final boss, admire.”

Restoring the indifferent K7 was very cool and swept away, and said: “You are welcome.”

“What relationship do I have with Ye Jian? I don’t know both of them. Come and come and see clearly…” The old father raised his daughter… Can’t pass this hurried summer lieutenant school over the shoulders of Ye Jian, telling her: “Baby, I have to verify that I am a good person, I really don’t want to be your father!”

“Close your eyes and give me five seconds.”

Next, it is estimated that there are still several chapters of the dog food, the little goblins, you have to stabilize, to be reserved!

see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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