Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4533 - Grinding little goblin

Chapter 4353 The Grinding Leprechaun

Ye Jianyi kept watering his face in the river, Xia Jinyuan was surrounded by brothers, and a thousand words merged into one sentence: Xia team, ask how to chase girlfriend!

Sitting in the middle of the summer school, holding the steel gun, looking around, clearing the scorpion, with a look of “I am coming over, I have enough experience” to open the mouth, “first grinding, grinding her soft heart, then Chasing again, chasing her nowhere to escape, and finally confession, so that she can no longer be separated from herself.”

“The heart is served, make good use of it, maybe one day I want to do it!”

“No, I have worn a girl before. As a result, the girl sent me a few words, “Can you not be so annoying?” It hurts a lot and never dared to chase the girl.”

“Z7, your love experience is enough, come and teach him.” Xia Jinyuan does not want to regard the love between him and Ye Jian as a story to the comrades, this is his and his wife and children sharing privacy, can not Say, can’t say.

Just now, a summer school with “I have a lot of experience” immediately asked Z7 to come out, how to chase the girl… He really has no experience, all the experience is used in Ye Jian, and it is also effective for Ye Jian.

Because, he only bends a soft voice to Ye Jian, and other women never put it in the eye, and they don’t take a look.

The Z7 was launched in this way and became the “love counselor” of the 30 new comrades. Xia Jinyuan got up and left the discussion.

He got up and several veterans got up together.

“Today, I was shocked. I really didn’t think that you were a pair with Ye Jian.” Baihe’s temples on both sides of the head said that he has not digested “stunned” until now. “Too suddenly, captain, are you just? Catch up with Ye Jian, afraid that she ran, and seized the time to announce the relationship between the two?”

Xia Jinyuan smiled and replied, “Well, she said in the second year of her senior year that we were together when we graduated from high school. It has been more than three years.”

Ye Jian is still reading the second year of high school, he confessed, the year he graduated… they were together, V8 slammed for a long time, spit out two words to express their feelings, “animals!”

“Don’t be a beast, waiting for the enemy to line up? When the shot is shot, it will be regretted.” Faced with the word “animals”, Xia Jinyuan calmly and plausibly said: “Thanks to my timely release, I successfully chased Ye Jian. Or else, like you, so single.”

“Don’t say my beast, you, the beast is only right now, T6 is already engaged, you have to hurry up.”

V8: “…” He didn’t want to talk.

Bai He Si Wen, he can’t say what he said, but he can’t say anything if he shuts up.

Be far-sighted, only admire!

I don’t want to say anything about the weaving bird. He didn’t even see it. He didn’t see it at all. He also discussed who the green bird will be picked up. If you think about it, you won’t think that their captain is the flower. thief.

Thief, too thief!

“Sorry, I haven’t said a few of you before, I’m sorry brothers. She’s thin, and today’s words in front of the brothers have exhausted all her courage, and my brothers don’t go to see me. I am afraid of her.”

Going to the upper reaches of the river, far away, sitting in a circle of comrades, several people stand together and look at the rolling snow-capped mountains in the distance, listening to Xia Jinyuan’s sincere care, only one person can talk at a time, the rest of the veterans listen quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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