Chapter 4535 Hand in hand

Five bullet-proof personnel carriers headed for the Gobi, arrived at the landing group helicopter landing point around 12 noon during the day, and then re-driving the vehicle to the Gobi by helicopter and now just entered the Gobi edge.

The coarse sand and gravel cover the hard soil layer, which is the Gobi scenery. It is rough and desolate, and the dry surface is blown by the sand. It is like a day.

In this way, most of them are in the field of training for soldiers in the field. Some people have come to take pictures and it is very rare. Now they are chasing their vehicles to chase. Because of the vigilance of a professional soldier, Xia Jinyuan immediately ordered the fifth car team to go to check.

If it is an ordinary cameraman, please leave. If you are a speculative guy, go straight into the prison and send it for ten days and a half before you come to interrogate.

The fifth car member received the Xia Jinyuan command and immediately replied, “Received, locked target, five cars turn right, leave the team.”

“Roger that!”

The fifth bullet-proof carrier transported to a mountain pass and turned right toward the target they locked.

I fell asleep and didn’t know what was going on. I was tired all these days. I had a big energy-consuming scene during the day. She couldn’t help it. The Gobi scenery was spectacular, but she slept with the car. Get right.

The fifth car left, the rest of the vehicles stopped to replenish the fuel, and the leaf that had just stopped the gun and fell asleep suddenly woke up. The first reaction was to start from the seat and screamed: “How did it stop?”

“Some people chased the car and sneaked, five cars went to see.” Xia Jinyuan opened the hand brake, saw her sleep until the helmet was smashed to the side, the left cheek was also pulled by a helmet to pull a sleep mark, could not help but bend the thin lips, laugh She reached out and gave her a helmet. “Is it good to sleep? I don’t have to sleep, it’s not a big deal, it can be solved soon.”

Ye Jian straightened his body and immediately returned to his seat. He yawned and reached out and smiled. “Don’t sleep, I slept for hours and got off to see the beauty of the Gobi.”

“Good, get off the activity.”

What she said, Xia Jinyin nodded, and the favor in her eyes made Ye Jian dare not look straight, and whispered to him, “Summer team, you… don’t look at me so much, today’s hatred is enough, then so I am really worried that I can’t cover you.”

Xia Jinyuan, who pushed the door and got ready to get off, sat back again, and then leaned toward Ye Jian. He was very good. Every movement was completed quickly and fiercely, and Ye Jian was shocked that he wanted to do something in the car. What, the whole person hid in the corner of the car door.

I did not hide, and Xia Jinyuan, who released the seat belt, raised her hand and squeezed her delicate nose. It was quite arrogant: “Yeah will cover you.”

Very arrogant, very summer and today.

“Don’t think too much, I have a few in my heart.” She pinched her nose and patted her helmet. The young lieutenant colonel pushed the door open and took a long leg, and the action was extremely handsome.

Ye Jian, who saw the slight movement of his eyes, grinned and pulled down from the trail.

She wouldn’t tell him that she had just sent her to a handsome get-off action, and she knew and sweetly stole in her heart.

At this time, the setting sun has fallen to the top of the mountain, only half of the circle, centered on the half circle, large pieces of golden sunlight are dyed like Buddha light, but the scope of illumination is limited. The other four weeks have already been blue and smoke, and there is intrusion into the night.

A person standing on the front of the car, Ye Jian unscrewed the military kettle, and sipped a few mouthfuls of snow water in the river. The cool snow at the entrance seemed to bring the cold fragrance of snow, which made people refreshed.

(End of this chapter)

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