Chapter 4539 is bullied

All the comrades in the car, including all the comrades, heard it.

The wireless communicator that V8 is turned off has just been accidentally touched and opened, and the jumper is transmitted to everyone’s ear through the public channel.

Collective jealousy.

what’s the situation?


What are the brothers of the fifth car doing?

In addition to the fifth car’s brother knows what happened, the rest of the comrades only Xia Jinyuan knows why the V8 will jump, wants to stretch his face and does not stretch, the mouth corners a few times, he is helpless to Ye Jian: “just screwed on the car photography The teacher is on the V8, and now it is said that the whole process depends on the V8. How much more forced to jump to the V8?”

Ye Jian heard the laughter. “No, is there any other reason? Didn’t they hurt the photographer just now? If you don’t stop, I will sit and ask, it is convenient for women to ask questions.”

“Come on again, she is sitting alone with eight big men. I am completely unfamiliar. For me, I am also very embarrassed.”

Relying on the V8, it also forced the V8 to jump, cough… Although I heard the V8 say that I want to jump, but it is hard to believe that the photographer forced the V8 to jump, there are certainly other reasons.

“The dust storm is coming, so find the place first.” Xia Jinyuan did not agree, time is tight, everything will wait to get off the bus.

In the end, the V8 failed to jump, and Qin Sakura, who came over all the way, laughed out loudly and finally put a V8.

Don’t worry, come to Japan.

“Sorry, I have a problem with this person. After I finish the game, I am very guilty and need to find some sense of security. Sorry, it will cause trouble for you.”

At this time, Qin Ying became normal, and dialed a broken hair. The attitude was sincere and apologized, and smiled at V8: “Sorry, let you be embarrassed, forgive me.”

Wearing a slightly tight-fitting light blue denim trousers, a waist-white shirt, a pair of beige sandal boots, Qin Sakura fell a generous apology, the wild and lieutenant elegant temperament, so that the special forces onlookers cleared the scorpion, answer “It doesn’t matter, they are wrong first” and so on.

What else can V8 say?

A big man can’t say that he is being taken advantage of by a woman. He is very uncomfortable, and his face is calm and calm: “If you sit well, don’t apologize to us.”

Don’t squeeze it into him!

Qin Ying raised her eyebrows and turned her head to look at it. The makeup was clean. She painted her eyebrows with a light-colored hand. She smiled and said: “Then we shake hands and talk, and we don’t care about the mistakes.”

V8 stared at the white hands, his lips awkward, and finally took a hand to hold.

The black is white, the white is whiter, and the black is blacker.

Shallowly, Qin Ying took the lead in retracting her hand, and she did not go to the V8 until she was sheltered from the wind. She did not make any rude actions.

On the contrary, she did not say a word in the whole process. She only asked her where the equipment was placed, and then she took out her mobile phone and quietly played the game of “snake snake” until she got off the bus.

When the door is opened, the V8 is the first to get off. Usually, the comrades who are getting off the bus have their own management, and they don’t need to help. The V8 is also natural. Just taking a half step and suddenly faintly smelling a perfume like a floral fragrance. Step back and turn around.

Looking up at the photographer who is getting out of the car, it’s still unnatural to reach out and say: “That, get off…”

Qin Ying smiled and jumped from the car and jumped down: “Thank you, not high.”

Then the comrades who got off the bus were squinting at the V8, in exchange for the V8 to lift the foot in the dark, and squeeze out a word through the mouth: “Roll!”

(End of this chapter)

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