Chapter 4547, sooner or later


Usually, from time to time, looking for a girlfriend’s V8 is completely poor, stuttering to a sentence can not tell, Qin Ying did not give him a chance to talk, picked up his own equipment, about half a person tall backpack, waved Sliding all the way from above the hole to the bottom.

Moonlight, starlight, V8 Yang Xulin saw the young cameraman who was helpless, carrying her big backpack all the way down to the bottom, then suddenly turned around, shocked him to subconsciously shrink back, do not want her I saw that I was stupid and stood still and looked at her.

Qin Ying smiled, this simple man still hides, don’t hide, your vice captain sold you to me.


The turned-in Qin Ying hands put a trumpet on his mouth and shouted loudly upwards. “Remember, come to Japan.” Sooner or later, you will become my Qin Sakura man!

This is naturally impossible to say.

V8 wipes the cold sweat that can be overwhelmed, can’t eat, can’t eat, the fairy in the mountain is estimated to grow her like this!


Suddenly there was a sigh of sighs behind him, and I was shocked that the V8 turned sharply and made an “ah” exclamation and shrank again.

“It is reasonable to say that you should send her. I didn’t expect her person to locate it directly. We didn’t want to show up. We had to let her go alone. Next time I have the chance to let you send her again.”

I don’t know when I came over, T6 shook her head. “Look at her, carrying a half-person backpack, and weighed like her. I am really worried that one day will be overwhelmed. You, don’t worry.”

“Then worry about it.” The V8, who was scared, didn’t say anything to his comrades, and walked inside with his arms.

Hungry, you need to eat something to add a stomach.

As for the apology letter that Qin Ying said, the V8 did not ask for G3, and the G3 did not mention it again. It was not until the end of the training that the troops returned.

Qin Ying left, forty-six special forces had a raw food dinner, all camped here for a night, and gathered at the 4th of the next morning to go deep into the Gobi.

Although 30 special forces successfully carried out two combat missions, they were not red grades. They entered the Gobi. Forty-six snowy brigades special forces were divided into red and blue. Red Fang Yejian joined 30 special forces camps to fight against the blue side. Sixteen veterans of the criminals will attack from time to time.

Fighting with the 16-member veteran Gobi was a great test for the 30 special forces. On the first day, five special soldiers were “killed” by the veterans.

On the second day, there were four “killers”. On the tenth day, the veterans were “killed” by six, the red side was “killed” by sixteen, and “deathed” was more than half.

The Gobi was very hot during the day, and the Gobi was very cold at night. Forty-six special forces were trained in this extremely harsh environment day by day. On the twentieth day, everyone lost at least five pounds and their cheeks were sunken. But my eyes are sharper than day.

On the 30th day, the skin that peeled off the skin was not easy to repair and began to peel off the skin for the second time. Even Ye Jian is no exception. Sunburn is not a general pain. After the night, it seems that countless needles are tied and burned. The burning pain.

No one complained, no one quit, and insisted until the end of training.

Ye Jian and the male soldiers, what kind of suffering the male soldiers eat, she suffered what kind of suffering, she was also smashed in the middle of the journey to the neck of the beheaded, and finally rescued by the red comrades, before they got out.

Baby, the value of the aid should be needed every day. Subscribing, rewarding, punching, and commenting must be remembered to complete the activity page, so that there is a value for the aid. Love you guys!

(End of this chapter)

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